Important Info on Y/n

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Thank you for reading this story, everyone!

A story where Y/n will be in a world where Blue lock, Haikyuu, and Kuroko no Basket collides...

And yes, the timelines will be aligned, please just act as if they are in the same timeline for the story :3

But other than that, I will make everything as canon as possible!!

In this story, I will add not that much background as to really not make it as if Y/n is some oc, you guys are free to think what her parents are or who and if their gone...

❋ But when she reincarnates I will add no parents so the parents before the said reincarnation will stay as your parents still... (Idk if you guys will get it)

-But keep in mind that Y/n's parents will not be mentioned that much, only a few questions asked here and there, but even then, they will not partake in this story (I think yes)

Y/n's character will be kept normal so that you guys won't feel the need to really force something in your oc that isn't there to begin with like--

--- Y/n is rich or something, and she has dead relatives and etc

*Idk the story of your ocs, or inserts so I'll keep things with Y/n's background as normal as possible

-Normal as in not too poor, not too rich, not too traumatized, and the personality will be neutral aswell (uhm)

-She won't be the MOST strongest and a TOO badass person or a BIG softie (TOO SOFT) and I won't make her personality be exaggerated or anything like being so clumsy, and being too dumb, she's just neutral... (I think)

Note : Although I might add a bit of personality for story purposes, hehe

Reader here will be same age as Hinata Shoyo, Kuroko, Rin Itoshi... she will be 16 (a first year) in present times (I'm sorry)

❉ Did this because I want to her having romance with maybe those that are around the same age range?? I don't know why and I have nothing against it, but I feel uncomfortable about a woman being older than the man.

(I've seen relationships like these, but I just really like it this way and this will be something about Y/n that I'll be bias about)

-To me it feels weird if a love interest maybe like Kageyama (who is also the same age as Hinata)? calls her "Senpai" since she's old and all and in the end, they end up together despite it; it makes me feel awkward

And this is just quarter of the reason, the main reason will be explained as the story goes on

Now that concludes all of it, I'm sorry for taking up your time!

And please take note that pictures that appear here are not mine, they belong to their respective owners, and I don't take claim of the characters, only Y/n and other ocs that might just appear


Please enjoy the story now <33

✹Our worlds collide✹ (Bllk, Haikyuu, KNB) Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now