In a whole 'nother world

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❈In a dimly lit bedroom... there was a girl who kept on swiping her phone; She lay on her stomach on her bed while her legs are dangling in the air back and forth.

She is always wearing what she would usually wear when she's at home and about to sleep which are sleeping wear or just clothes befit for just when your home, 

but this time, she's still in her school uniform; This girl is about the age of (Ages not below 14-15 or above 19-20)

She was rewatching the anime haikyuu... also planning on rewatching kuroko no basketball after getting the sports anime nostalgia (If that's a thing) from watching the anime blue lock!

She was currently alone in the house, and she can't help but sigh at the thought of having to make dinner by herself...


She looked at the fridge and only saw an already cold curry which her mom said to heat up by the time she comes home and decides to eat...

She could only pout slightly as she had enough of curry... 

It was what she ate this morning and yesterday evening aswell, even tho yesterday was different since it was a spicy flavored one, BUT IT DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT!!

She looked at her pockets and saw that she had enough to buy something... maybe like a canned food? Or noodles... cup noodles!

She smiled and thought she'll put up with it... just no curry anymore; It's delicious, but even something so delicious, can have someone having enough if they have too much of it....


She smiled brightly as she walked back home with her noodles in hand, she had ideas of maybe watching a movie while she's at it... hmm...

"Doesn't sound bad at all!!" she said all excitedly as she walked through the pedestrian lane... until--



A loud crash was heard... and also a thud from the body that got in contact with the vehicle... the truck collided with your poor self... and now your DEAD.

People then gathered at the scene as the person inside the truck went out as guilt washed over him.

People were all panicking... that was a loud thud... and the vehicle was very fast... so you couldn't be blamed...

Eventually, people called the police and ambulance. The guy who was driving the truck said about how the truck lost control and went haywire... and it was so fast that you couldn't possibly escape from

The driver was injured of course, but he still took responsibility of the situation... the people in the area were dispersed by the police, and your death, was later broadcasted on the news...


You don't know what happened, out of nowhere, you were just out buying cup noodles... but now, your in a void; It's quiet... and also dark...

It was all black... then you opened your eyes as you take in the environment around you...

You were laying on the middle of the road... it was already dark out and no people seems to be near... a playground is also just right by

You then checked your body hysterically, clearly in panic and shock

You then took notice... that your body was small... like a toddler's... but due to the adrenaline, you somehow just left that thought behind and just thought of one thing and one thing only...

'Where am I?' you thought and panicked once more, but this time your slightly relaxed... then outta nowhere, a hologram appeared right in front of you, it was a screen and you were once again confused

But then you regained a bit of your composure and reached out to the hologram, you tried touching it but your hand went through

You were still shaking from anxiousness, and once again tried taking in your situation, until a voice interrupted you


"Y/n L/n, number 299?"

The voice was high pitched... kinda like a rat squeaking sound...

"Hm?" you hummed looking around, then outta nowhere, a small portal thing appeared and came out a floaty thingy...

"Hm?" you hummed looking around, then outta nowhere, a small portal thing appeared and came out a floaty thingy

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(Imagine with a small mouth and also floating)

"It's nice to meet you! I am--"

Before it could continue, you stuttered out

"J-jellyfish?!" you said kinda perplexed

The floaty thingy just looked at you stuttering before continuing

"Once again, Y/n L/n number 299, it's nice to meet you! I am Dirigo A6F5765, at your service"

You were still processing things, and you then thought--

'Maybe this is all just some weird dream!' you thoguht then smiled to yourself

"Y-yeah" you said kinda looking all hopeful as the floaty thingy looked at you weirdly as youtried pinching yourself then also wincing at the sharp pain

Then once again, you were in complete shock then you faced at the floaty thingy...and looking at the thing, you knew you were in deep shit.


Next chapter :

❋ (Name) finds herself in a situation she wished would happen but now, cursing as it HAPPENED! But then, an unfamiliar being appears! She learns stuff, and now knows what really is the situation she is put in... She is now in the world where 3 of her favorite animes is collided! Same timelines, and now she gotta do what?!

To be continued ---------------->

✹Our worlds collide✹ (Bllk, Haikyuu, KNB) Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now