Chapter 10 - new hair, new me

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Before Chia made her debut in the new world of high school (this school, combines junior and senior years, not 2 separate schools), she knew that she had to make the first impressions worthwhile. First impressions stick more and first impressions are a way for people to remember you.

So, during the holiday before school starts Chia experimented. Trainer Manny questioned Chia's sudden change of... looks, but maybe the children these days are experimenting a lot.

It started with Chia wearing a red ribbon on her wrist, maybe some sort of bracelet. Not really, it's just a ribbon since it's unique and no one tends to wear a ribbon as a bracelet. Chia soon determined it to be a nuisance, sweat kept building up on the ribbons and it kept on slipping because of its silk fabric. She questioned if red was even her colour.

Next was a headband, she and her ma went shopping and she checked the sports headbands. All were so not her style, it's not as pretty and they were mostly for sweat gathering... actually, it might work, with Chia's pocket money (her parents are trying to teach her how to save up) she bought a purple headband that might go well with her brown hair.

At home she experimented more, should she wrap her hair around the headband to make it seem like the headband itself? No, that would be too much effort. She settled on keeping it on like a normal person... ew, normal? No thanks.

"Hey, that headband looks good on you!" Maybe Manny is saying this because his hair is purple like a headband, it matches and hit resemblest's resembling him. But no, sorry Manny.

"Hm... does it 'look' me?" a weird question, Manny thought for a moment as Enamorado by Alexander Stewart plays for a warm-up. Today was dancing day, not soccer, then change it up daily.

"Maybe? What are you going for?" Chia and Manny move their limbs in unison, staring into the mirror wall in front of them to watch their dancing. It was a choreography they have practised and perfected before, now it's a warm-up dance for the new training.

"Maybe... a dancer vibe? Oh! How about a pretty girl vibe?"

"Well, little Chia, those vibes tend to associate with pink. How about trying something pink?"

"Oh, sure!" Chia took off her headband and handed it to Manny as a 'gift'. Chia won't admit it, but Manny was some sort of God to her, someone she looked up to.

"What else?" Chia continued. Manny thinks again.

"How about something permanent? It would be a pain if you forget the item one day,"

"Oh true!" Chia agrees again.


Chia thought 'earrings'. They are permanent if you wear a specific one, it can be pink earrings as well, so that's a go-to. Little Chia, no higher than the shelf holding the tv, rummages through her ma's items for accessories.

"Aha!" Chia found it, she remembered her ma having the exact pink sleeper earrings. It's perfect! It may be a bit on the bigger side but it's fine. Chia put it on, she already had a piercing for earrings when she was a baby so it was a benefit for her (she only wears studs because it's light, but too plain and simple).


"Are you sure you're fine?" her pa said. Chia wanted to help with cooking, but also to earn money (she's broke again).

"Yep!" This was the 7th time her hair tangled with the big hoop earrings, not to mention it was heavy. Her pa chuckled to his daughter who wanted to become a big girl now.

When she went to bed, she could feel the cold hoop earrings no matter what position she sleeps in; the side, the back, the front. It was annoying her! She couldn't take it anymore, the earrings have to go (back to her ma's drawers).


It took a whole month of experimenting before she had a final decision. It happened at a hangout at her friend's house, a birthday party. Everyone was dressed up in pretty dresses and tiaras and princesses. She was having the time of her life feasting on the food and breaking it out on the dance floor (they're playing just dance). When the birthday girl's parents arrive.

The birthday girl herself had black hair, as well as her mother who she had gotten it from. But her father had the most beautiful shade of deep-forest green hair. She has seen many different people with different shades of hair, it was normal. But none of them were as eye-catching as the deep green, that's where the idea erupted.

"I should dye my hair pink,"


This was very risque, and could potentially get her parents to yell and maybe ground her, or worse. But it's fine, she's doing it to be unique!

"Hello," All the staff of the salon squealed. She knew that her pa was at work and her ma was taking a break and shopping.

"Hello, little Chia!"

"Hi, Chia!"

"Hello, little princess!"

Of course, since Ma was the salon owner, every worker knew her. She went up to the counter.

"Hello, Layla!"

"Hello sweet," Layla was the designated receptionist since the shop is always fully staffed, "what can I help you with?"

"Can I get my hair dyed pink?"


It was worth it, no money was spent because she demanded it as an early birthday present for her (the ladies at the salon love spoiling Chia) and they didn't question it at all.

"WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION? NOT EVEN CONSULTING US?" Chia knew this would happen. Of course, she did get her hair dyed... actually, it is her fault, but who's to stop her? (Her parents).

It's ok, at least now the signature look. And she did look good with pink hair.


It's ok Chia, breathe in, and breathe out. You can do this.

Shia arrived 15 minutes before the first day of high school, the perfect time. Not too early to look too eager and not too late not to care a lot.

A confident yet a pinch of eagerness to her strides as she walks into the school, looking around to take in the surroundings and knowing where she is so she won't be embarrassed by getting lost.

A few little glances across her way, some prolonging on her hair and features.

Another deep breath in and out.

She can do this, on her first day of high school!

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