Date night

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I stood waiting outside my house, checking my phone every so often to see if Abe was on his way. The last I heard from him was at least 10 minutes ago saying he was just leaving his house but I couldn't help myself get so anxious.

A first date is so important.
At least to me.

I've never been on one before so I was quite excited when Abe asked me out on one. I had no clue where we were going, I have no clue when Abe was going to get here and I think I'm starting to sweat a little.

I groaned before a car horn soon beeped at me.

I glanced up and found Abe in the drivers seat, I was sort of relieved when he arrived but kind of annoyed for not giving me a heads up.

"Hey you! Are you ready?!" Abe asked, with a grin as I rolled my eyes trembling under his happy demeanour, how could I be angry at him now.
"You bet!" I cooed, hopping into his car as he soon took off.
"So, what I was thinking- if your down for it- is that we go for a bite to eat before the big surprise." Said he as I hummed and shrugged. It didn't sound like a bad idea, I'm just really curious as to what the big surprise could be.
"Sounds good." I replied as he smiled, fixing his rear mirror as he pulled up to traffic lights.


We got a bite to eat at the grassy knolls then headed back into Abes car, my anticipation grew stronger by the second. I let my feet wiggle, feeling this floating yet explosive notion in my chest. I've never felt so excited in my life, excusing the doxxing I do for fun online. This was probably a better feeling.

"Y'know, this is probably the first time I'm ever stepping into a place like this and I'm glad I get to experience it with the person I like." Abe spoke as I felt my face flush pink.
"Yeah well whatever it is I'm glad I'll get to experience it with you too." I muttered bashfully as we soon pulled up into the car park. There was no less than 12 cars or at least.

We got out the car, Abe offering his hand as I took it reluctantly.

We walked towards the building, entering and immediately I was met with this dimly lit room, which continued throughout the rest of the way. The walls glistened with golden hour, while the rest of the place shone a grimly blue. The decor was very fish themed, especially the posters and novelty toys/plushies.

We were at an aquarium.

Abe and I stepped up to the receptionist, purchasing our tickets, we walked to the turning stalls, scanning our tickets and entered to the next room.

My mouth gaped, seeing the tanks, the colours of fish and other sea creatures.

I gulped, taking Abes hand as we wandered through slowly. The glow of the tanks gave our faces a light dusting while half was cascaded in blue. We stayed silent, neither of us wanting to break the silence, and for a moment we stopped to admire the tall tanks. It was fairly intimidating and that's coming from someone with a tall boyfriend.

Don't get me wrong, despite Abes height he's a total sweetheart, very kind and sensitive. It's just- having someone tower over you 24/7 can get a little nerve-wracking from time to time but I like him to bits so it's okay.

I allowed my eyes to wander, taking everything in before I allowed my feet to wander to the different tanks. I was mesmerised by everything, by how the creatures swam, to the colours of the room and the reflection of the water bouncing off the walls. It mellowed me in such a way to where even I didn't know a place could do such a thing, especially the quiet music that echoed through-out the entire building.

It was melodic and siren-esc.

I watched the sharks that circled around in their tank, Watching them change direction every couple minutes as they'd go down deeper into the tank and then back up slowly. It was almost nauseating.

"Hey, you okay?" Abe asked, his hand on my shoulder as I glanced up at him.
"Can we come back here again?" I muttered watching the sharks again.
"We just got here." He giggled as he stood behind me holding my shoulders, leaning me back into his stomach as he pecked my head.
"But I'm more than happy to bring you back here, whenever you want." He leaned down hugging my neck as I gently caressed his face.

"You wanna touch some fish?" Asked he as I gasped.
"There's a fish petting zoo?!" I exclaimed as he shushed me and chuckled leading the way.


I allowed myself to yawn while Abe drove me back home, I really enjoyed myself today. It was magical. I even got a beluga plush out of it, the gift shop was fairly small but it had such nice and niche items.

Even the petting zoo was- well- interesting to say the least. As excited I was entering the room, to where I was actually touching the creatures, my mood dropped significantly. The slimy textures to the weird and rough, it almost made me gag.

I've never felt so violated in my life without being violated.

"Here we are." Abe cooed pulling up outside my house.
"Need me to walk you to your door." He smirked as I rolled my eyes, unbuckling myself.
"You're fine Mr. Taxi man, I can handle it from here." We giggled as he soon leaned in for a kiss.

I brought the beluga plush up covering my face as he stopped bewildered.

"Look, I really enjoyed myself tonight and I like you an awfully sick amount but I don't think I can handle much more, I just need to recharge, y'get me?" I asked slightly moving the toy out the way, glancing at his face as he took a moment before smiling.

"Of course! I get it!" I sighed with some relief as I got out the car.

"Fingertips instead?" He asked as I nodded leaning back in for a moment as we wiggled our fingers between each others.
"I'll text you when I get home okay?" Said Abe as I nodded closing his door and waved him off as he drove. I watched him for a good bit before returning home, to dwell in my bedroom with my beluga and await a text.

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