The Mist

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As I slept, I was gently brought back to the moonlit forest I was once in before, where I met him.

I was sat by the lake, clothes barely clung to my back as I wallowed in my own self pity. A wreck I was back then, escaping from peril, abandoned by my own kind and shunned. All I could think about was running to here, my own solitude and safety I felt here, it was the only time I could think. I liked to watch the water, whenever I had the chance, now I could watch it for eternity. Watching it dance and reflect my distorted self, oh how I loved the bittersweet colour. Running my hands through it but tonight was different, it didn't reflect the way I liked, showing my image still, I hated it.

I didn't want to see me.
I wanted my distilled image, not this sorrowful small man.

I sighed turning away from my beloved lake, I was ashamed by it. How dare it make me feel such a way, it was supposed to help me. Why won't it help me.

I clenched my teeth, holding back a ghastly howl, it burned my throat to which my hand held it, choking my only source of air. I coughed, gasped and sighed once more, watching quietly with a sniffle as a wisp of mist curled round me. Tickling my nose, cradling my legs, I couldn't help question this mysterious mist.

Why did it appear so suddenly?

I cocked my head as the mist guided me to my feet. I followed it hastily, my hollow tour guide, I stopped so suddenly, a figure stood metres before me. He was parked by the bank of the lake, gazing into the blind horizon, his expression read so gentle, so mellow, like I could just melt into it so.

To think he payed me no mind, infatuated with his own.

He soon turned on his heels and headed deep within the mist, I watched, a beat beckoning my heart, to follow a stranger to which it did. I followed him into the mist, lost and forgotten, I frowned.

How could he just vanish?
It frightened me almost till he appeared behind me, I went to scream but found the sound that was supposed to emerge shudder within myself and I was left speechless.

Frozen like a marionette, I could hear my ears ring as I gazed out towards the shaking trees, watching the mist entangle us.

The eeriness growing thicker in my ears before I knew it he spoke. His voice somber and sweet, like a log being glazed with honey or a fire sitting in an ice-box with puppies. I was captivated, following his words like he was singing a siren song. My eyes dolled, upturning my head to glance into his doe eyes, they were sickly hypnotic but I couldn't break the spell.

We spoke about many things, some I wish to remember but as he spoke I could see this small glint. When he brought up this one girl- a girl I knew well but he would speak about her like he saw her in his dreams.

He'd smile and in this delirious whisper he'd go; "Joan..." like he was casting a spell.

It'd only make me long for him more, it was like something had ignited in me and as we held each other in contrasting heat. He was like a barren land in the winter, while I his summer desert. We danced, switching hands, he twirled me, pulling me closer as did the mist as we slowly but tenderly kissed under the shine of the moon, behind the curtain of mist.

Before I knew it, he has vanished along with it, leaving me positioned the way he held me and leaving me the only human aspect about him was the kiss he took from me.

TophAbe (Clone-High)Where stories live. Discover now