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You know when you do something nice all day then when it hits like I dunno 5:00 everything goes downhill that's what happen to me I played with my sister all day but it hit 5:00 then my grandma ask me to sweep the floor I did but she ask me to sweep so I did then she said sweep the dust under the fridge behind the door under the sofa under the bed like people will look at the place like that what they will look under the bed who would do that maybe some dum dum so I can't say her something bad because of my mind but I really want to let go but I can't shes the only one taking care of me my brothee my sister beacuse our mom is working at night so she sleeps in the morning I feel sorry for her so I scratched my self it bleed but I didn't stop plus she didn't notice my brother and my sister knew about it except the adults so I went to the bathroom take a bath to remove the blood but it still bleeds so I did the risky part put random things in it like soap shampoo girls shampoo girls soap but I put the most painful of all toothpaste it stings cause it's mint flavor thingy but the good thing it stop the bleeding stop and no one notice it until this night or day whatever country you are or what time is it there after that I sit in a chair and put my back behind her so I didn't face her for 1 hour then me my sister and my brother watch Spongebob it's my sisters choice after that my relatives visited or my auntie non of them noticed it my brother said 1 week and he's sure this is gone right now my mind scrambles of choices cause my mind think if I said my grandma this"this is why your friends faked you" plus"no one will survive a month with you" I ain't waiting for 35 years for her just to die I've been thinking of escaping again my cover is I'm buying ice cause when I'm buying ice it's far it's really far so I would get to escape they won't notice untill it takes hours before I come back and so I'll have time to get far to places where I can get myself lost easly but that place I'm thinking is away from civilization or a place called forest or a jungle you guys have no idea how I can survive in the wild example streams is a good water source beacuse it's moving no germs can be there leaf are good for covering foot steps plus leaf is good for clothes not random rocks can cause fire what we really need is a Flint and a stone no this is not from movies I know it myself my mom is rich my dad is poor now that they leave apart I got myself ready when I had enough when I mean enough it means enough no I can't make spear just by carving a wood I need stone to carve it and vine not all vine is safe but I really need sticks to know my surroundings plus sticks aren't just for environment I need vines sticks and leaves when I accidentally broke my leg also I need to learn navigation so I know the forest in and out plus jungles are dangerous but better than forest cause jungle has poison wich I can use to weaken the prey or humans a that point also if I ended on the streets and not the jungle welp one thing only one coin is enough 1 coin 1 candy profit 2 coins reapeat that process until 100 coins but wait that's not it yet theres a thing called trading so I still have candies left so I drade it for a bigger or better candy
If it's a big lollipop sell it for 15 coins then reapeat it's called the infinite loop so yeah I'm ready for the wild or the city I reapeat it's not in the movies

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