part 7

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Mr king

It has been six months since Lava come in my life and I wouldn't trade her for anything.She is busy coloring my life,all I can do is watch as she does this.I don't think she is ever going away,she is slowly forgetting about her family.I am happy,I don't cares about what other people feel as long as I am happy and Lava is happy the world can kill it self

"Grey when is your birthday?"she asked as we are eating the cake we baked,I never knew being with someone will bring you peace,I never knew I could love until she come in my life"it's not important'' I don't celebrate that day,I didn't want to be born so why should I celebrate it

"It is to me!now tell me?"she can be bossy when she wants too"on the 5th of May"it has passed I know "Grey"she yelled at me,I smiled "What?its not like I wanted to be alive"I told her the plain truth "you know I don't want to live without you?"

She said looking sad a tear rolled on her face and I hated it,I didn't mean to make her cry.I stand up and picked her up so I can set her on my lap"Lava that was before you come in my life now I am well! happy for the first time I am happy because of you"I wiped her tears away

"Then why didn't we celebrate your birthday?"good question,I don't know what to say "because we don't know yours therefore I feel bad!"I just lied to her and she is buying it "that is a nice thing for you to do but next year we are going to celebrate both our birthdays on the 5th May"she said stand up smiling

She is something else "Grey why do you hate you family?''that question,I don't have an answer for it"I just hate them"it's in my blood,I know the feeling is neutral "I wish I had a family"she does but I can't tell her,for she is my family now she is every thing I need and I will never let go of her "you know that we are family the only family that we need right''

She smiled at me"can we start making a family?''she doesn't know want she is asking for"Lava you don't know what you are saying"I said smiling at her "Okay can we go skydiving?"she laughs at her self "Right now?''I don't mind going "Yes"

She remembered that she wants to go skydiving,I guess she truly wants to do this "is it late or something?"my little innocent flower wants to explore the world how cute "we should go right now"I picked up the plates and put them in the sink.As I was about to leave "what are you doing?"

"Nothing" I didn't do anything,what is she talking about "where are you going without washing our dishes?" She asked holding her hips,she looks sexy being bossy "will you let me eat you out?"I said biting my lips "Grey I am not food"she said laughing at me,she doesn't know that much

"You will find out soon"I wash the dishes so we can leave.

We got to the place that we will be skydiving.I am here cold like if one wrong move I will explode and Lava is hype like a child who learned to speak,she has been talking my ears out but I like it "When will we go course I can't hold my self!"She said touch everything,we are in our diving suit

"They are checking that fuel and everything"we are different from each other,she is sun and I am the moon but together we are truly beautiful.Without her I can't shine

We are on a plane now about to jump and Lava can't hold her self,she nearly jumped out of the plane.Now it's time to jump,Lava jumped before their can say go.I went after her,she was having fun while we were in the sky but I am doing nothing but look at her

"Hold my hand?"she said moving away from me,she moves away from me,I tried catching her as she laughs

Everything wanted great,Lava had a wonderful time "We should do this again soon,it was so fun!did you see me walk on air?''I smiled at her excitement "I did"after I said that she did a flip,I think she did it unintentionally because after she did it she looked surprised

We got home and Lava want to take a shower before she started cooking.I want to the office as she prepared dinner for us.I have been here for fifty minutes,I got an email about Lava,everytime we want out. How did their get those pictures

What surprised me is that even before I introduced her to my family,now I know it's not my family now who is it "Grey food is ready"she said walking though that door,I am trying to calm down but it's not working.I am trying to calm down because I don't want to hurt Lava

"Grey I am talking to you"she said in a small voice,I don't want to hurt her,I can't "Lava!"I yelled at her,she jumped "sorry!"she said lowering her head "THEN LEAVE"she got out running without looking back,I screamed flipping my office upside down

I stayed in my office for two hours before I could go and apologize for what I did to Lava,I didn't mean to scare her "Lava"I yelled but I did not find her,I searched the whole apartment but I didn't find her

I didn't mean to scare her away...............

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