chapter 12

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Mr King

Lava is making dinner while I work,I have been working on a new business that I would be open tomorrow "Grey love food is ready"she says picking though the door with a wide smile on her face "what have you prepare for me today?"I asked walking towards her

"Uhhh lamb chops and rice"she said as she holds my index finger like we are not in our home "ohh that sounds delicious and it smells delicious"she is the best cooker I know,no chief can top her cooking skills

"Tomorrow we are going to my business opening remember?"I asked her,I then realized that was stupid for me to ask her that "I don't think I remember but thank you so much for remaining me" she said as we seat down

She sometimes forgets about her mental health "I'm going to choose your outfit!"I semi yelled like a girl making her laugh her heart out"no you can't choose my clothes I'm a girl and you are a boy"she said with a smile then a second later she starts shaking for no reason

"Lava are you okay?"I asked as she doesn't stop shaking

Her eyes rolling back for her head with "Lava!?"I yelled scared while holding her tight so she can stop shaking,two hours later she stops moving just laying on my lap breathing heavily"Grey!"she whispered

"Lava!"I take out my phone calling her doctor,I just realized that I was frozen,,,my mind was blank as I was scared of the next move.As I dialed the doctors number I realized that it was only for two minutes

"Come here right now!"I demanded as Lava stares at me with open eyes "are you okay Grey?"her voice makes me calms down"you just scared me that is all"I said picking her up putting her on my lap so I can feed her

"I can feed myself you know right"she says smiling but only if she knew how hard for me to see her hurt or weak

The doctor knocked I got up with Lava on my lap not letting her go"you are not going to let me off?"she asked laying her head on my shoulder "yeah"I said kissing her forehead as I opened the door "Welcome Mrs Holder"I said letting her in

"Thank you"we got to the dinner room Lava still on my lap "what seemed to be the problem?"Mrs Holder ask "I don't really know she started shaking out of nowhere!"I said rubbing her back softly

"Okay,can I hold her?"her asking as she can see how tight I'm holding her
"Yes, but makes sure you don't hurt her okay!"I don't want her to get hurt

She checked her while making sure she doesn't hold her hard,she takes a simple of her blood "She just had a panic attack,I don't know why but it's like her mind is trying to remove some parts of her memories,,,I would like it if you allow me to check on her everyday just to see if she will have any panic attack?"

"Yeah anything to make sure she is safe!"I said not even thinking about anything "that means you would have to pay more!"she said standing up fixing her self "I can't buy your whole life and still have more"I answered

She is new,I hired her because she is the best doctor that deals with the brains "okay I guess I will see Lava tomorrow in the morning!"she said as I opened the door for her

"Grey what is wrong with me?"she asked as we walked to our bedroom I don't even have time to clean up "nothing serious don't worry about it"I said taking off her clothes

We a both in the tub staring at each other's eyes without words exchange she moves close so she can lay on my chest "I don't thinking I remember what happened today!"she said disappointed "it's okay,,,we are going to make more memories everyday"

"I love you"I said as she seats in my lap holding me tight "I love you too" she said licking my face laughing while I smiled"Grey what is your name?" She asked

"You just said it"I said making her hit my shoulder "I'm serious my name is Grey,,,do you want to see my license" I said picking her up,I got out of the tub drying our bodies with a towel then lotion our bodies

We walked to the walking closet she takes a night dress and I grab night pants "let me see the proof"she said as I take my wallet to show her "see!!!"I stare at her reaction and it's funny,I laughed at her as she tried to process it

"Wait,I thought you said I give that name as a nickname... I can't give you a nickname that is already your name it's impossible"she said trying to explain what she is saying to me "my real name is Nathaniel,that name has been passed though generations"

"I think I will call you by your first name"she said as we cuddled "no I love Grey"I responded making her smile "I just have a wonderful thought!''she gasps smiling "and what are you thinking about?"

"I think we should go to south Africa,I don't know why but I think it's a nice place"she said now sitting up straight,I felt like she is going remember everything but the doctor said her brain is trying to remove some parts of her memories, what if it's the memory of us

"Where did you hear about that?"

"I don't remember!"she tries to remember"will you marry me?"I panicked not that I don't want to marry her,she looks at me then laugh man that is going to leave a mark"you are joking right you want to make me forget that I want to go to south Africa!"

"What"I was caught off guard,how did she know "if you don't want to go to south Africa you could have said so I know you don't want me marry you"

"What are you talking are joking right!"I semi yelled,how can she say that.I wanted to make her my wife after a week I met her "why did you ask me to marry you without a ring,so you are telling me you always want to propose without a ring or you just thought of asking me to marry you and you did it"

"What?"she never spoke like that,all of this is new "stop saying what!"she said yelling "Lava you are okay?"I asked,tears starting rolling on her face like a waterfall

"I want my mother.......

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