chapter 16

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Mr King

"Nathaniel wake up I made you coffee or tea,,,I can't remember well"she said shaking me awake,as she giggles "I'm drinking it if you don't wake up!"she said still trying to wake me.I smile at her,I love waking up to hear her melodic voice

"Morning Lava"I said pulling her towards me that she fall in my arms laughing "you should call me hot chocolate"she says staring in my eyes with a smile "why?"that's kinda new "I was watching tv and some guy called his girlfriend hot chocolate"

"But you are more of a coffee then chocolate!"I brushed her hair backwards "then I'm hot coffee"she jumped on me laugh,I join her

"Do you know what day it is today?"I asked her as we are laying next to each other "Christmas?"she asked as well,I laughed so hard "what you asked me and I answered"she stated all cute"I know but why christmas?"

"The birth of Jesus Christ"she answered and I fall in love with her again "it's cute but it's our wedding day,are you ready to become Mrs King?"I asked her standing up as I helped her get down from the bed

"Ohh my goodness I forget,who is going to do my hair or my nails,,,oh my dress... What time does the wedding start?"she asked stressed about the wedding "don't stress I'm sure that everything will work out good"I hug her rubbing her head

"Good you think I want my wedding day to work out good boy please don't play with me,I want it to be perfect it's going to be perfect!"she said staring dead in my eyes "sorry!"I panicked

"What!?"she laughs"you scare me!"I said laying my head on her shoulder as she rubs my head giggling "what time is the wedding?"she asked now holding my cheeks"it's around 4pm" I answered still bend over so she can hold my cheeks

"I think I have enough time to get a dress,shoes and my everything"she said calmly kissing my head then going to the make the bed "What are you doing to me?"I asked her jumping on the bed "Grey please get off!" She says pulling my leg literally

"You can't even pull me"I laughed at her,I'm not even moving from my position"well you are like an elephant no even an elephant is better,you are whale,,,you are huge like the blue whale"she said laughing her heart out as she even struggled to breath

"That is just rude!"I said staring at she while she laughs tears running down her face"ohh come on you know it's funny,you have a funny wife!"she said wiping her tears and hugging me

Time for the wedding

Everything is perfect,the decorations are well done

Everything is how I want it to look,I can't wait to see Lava,I haven't seen her in four hours but I know where she is at,I'm tracking her.The priest comes and the only person missing is Lava

I'm wearing good, I don't really care how I look I'm just waiting for Lava to show up,,,I didn't see her dress,I don't know how she did her hair nor do I know anything.I'm freaking out as minutes passes as we're waiting for her what if she forgot, what was I thinking off course she forgot

Now we are late for our wedding,when I tried going find her she walks in and a tears rolled out my eyes,she smiles as the song playing

Photograph by Ed Sheeran

I can't even describe how breath taking she is.I forgot to breath while look at her,my legs shakes with fear as I felt weak and when she gets near me I can't please but fall for her more then once,I fall for her so much I can't count

"Hi don't cry I'm here now!"she said wiping the fallen tears as I touch her hand as she wipes my tears "I love you so so much!"I never felt like I'm one with a person until I met her "and I love you too"she smiles and my heart explode with do much happier and love

"May we start?"the priest says with a smile,I forget about him "yeah"I said holding my another heart's hand

"As you said you wrote her vows can you please read them for her?" He asked and I just don't even think what I wrote would be good enough to explain how I feel"yeah I did"

"I was supposed to read my vows but after seeing you,I just don't think that what I wrote would explain me, even I can't explain it.I don't believe in love because even love can't explain how I really feel,,,this feel unreal I'm not even sure if you are really here,you are so out of this world!!! I LOVE YOU NO I MEAN LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH TO EXPLAIN HOW I FEEL,,,I... I'm speechless because you're all the words I want,I can't explain you,,,I'm going to make a new word to explain how I feel"

She is in tears ",,,,,,"she can't even pronounce words,she throws her she in my arms as we kiss like we never did "I pronounce you husband and wife you are already kissing" the priest says making us laugh"sorry!" She says staring at me

"Where is the cake?"she asked with a wide smile making me laugh "I'm the cake!"I responded making her blush "the priest is here, have some respect" she said trying not to laugh then she mouth 'I can't wait to have a taste'

"I mean it's there"I said walking her to the cake "and Grey this is so precious it's perfect thank you for everything" she said as we cut the cake "everything is perfect because of you" I responded telling the truth she was the one who come with the idea

"Either way thank you"

We slowly danced the night away

We slowly danced the night away

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