Chapter 4

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>>Who was that boyy?<<

>> one~<< I said with a smile on my face, after all, this evening with Jan was pretty nice.

>>Oh girl thats A. BIG. FAT. LIE! But tell me it tomorrow I'm so tired.<<

>>Okay well, that was Jan and I was cold so he gave me jacket. No big deal I give it back tomorrow.<<

She winked at me one last time after going back to bed, she was to tired gossip with me over some boy, even though loved to gossip. Maybe this journey was a bit tiring afterall. I was feeling a bit sleepy too, so I decided to get ready for bed and maybe read something till I was fully ready to sleep. But I couldn't get Jan out of my head, I can not fall for him this easy, we just met. I really tried my best, but every time I looked at his jacket, I hung over a chair, my mind went blanck.

I got up one last time to drink something and attempted to sleep, without succes. I laid on my bed rolling from side to side, still thinking about this night. After what felt like forever I dozed of again, but not for long we needed to get up early and I actually almost made it through the hole night. I got one hour of sleep if I needed to guess.

>>Get up Sunshine the sun is out and its great weather!<<

I pulled my pillow over my head and mumbled a

>>How can you be this motivated on a week day?<<

>>Maybe because you still need to tell me about your lover boy!! Now get dressed or we only get leftover breakfast.<<

I somehow got up, grabbed a tshirt, shorts and Jan's jacket, just to give it back to him if I see him and followed Summer.

I still wasn't fully at my senses as I sat down at a random table with Summer as someone placed a cup of coffee next to me with a note saying: You look like you haven't slept in days, this always helps me. Also, that Jacket fits you keep it I got enough on me<3

I looked up to see Jan smiling at me, I blushed so hard that probably the kids behind could see I was bright red.

Summer freed me from thoughts by screaming in my ear:


I gave it to her and she started giggling.

>>That's the cutest thing I have ever seen, good thing that we are going on a trip with this class. I ship you both already!<<


Not much interaction, but Cora and Jan are going on a field trip:DD

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