Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

We grabbed our stuff, the map and looked at the first of four pictures.

It was some kind of statue or vase filled with fruits.

Jann recognized it immediately, he really did know Warsaw like the back of his hands

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Jann recognized it immediately, he really did know Warsaw like the back of his hands. They were off to a good start.

>> So, where are we goin?<<

>> To one of the prettiest places in Warsaw!<<

>> And where will that be?<< I asked while try to keep up with his pace.

>> It's by the palace!<<

>> Aww, with princesses and maids, how romantic!<< I joked around. He looked back at me and said,

>> And maybe you will find your prince there princess.<<

After that he winked at me and a dozen of butterflys started flying around in my stomach. Jann took my hand and we started running trying to catch the next Subway to the palace, now my face was fully red. I never really held a hand of a boy a liked, so that was a first. But I still didn't know the name of the destination.

>> So, what's the name of that palace?<<

>> Oh, I didn't tell you? It's Wilanów palace!<<

Jann's POV:

We jumped into the subway and got a place next to the door, so we could chill out for a bit. I started telling Cora, when the castle was build and stuff just because my dad always told me about. I noticed that she wasn't really listening, but staring into my eyes, so I stopped. She looked so cute with her hair being all messy. After a while looking at her dreamy eyes I heard that we needed to get out soon. I snapped my fingers infront of her eyes because she wasn't reacting to me calling her.

>> Wah! What? Sorry, I was not listening. Yk history makes me so sleepy. << I knew that this wasn't the truth, but I let her have that.

>> Don't worry, same for me. Anyway, the next stop is ours. <<

She chuckled.

Back to Cora's POV:

I felt safe with Jann, without him I would be very scared of missing something etc. We stepped out of the subway. We walked out of the trainstation and Jann could already see the palace and ran to it. I don't know where he gets all that energy. As I arrived, a lot slower that Jann, I spotted one of many of these staues we were searching. I pulled out my phone and we took a selfie.

>> Smile! <<[hehe yk bc of the song "Smile" by Jann:)]

We looked at the next picture, this time I knew excactly were to look.


Sorry haha, so much for saying I will upload frequently, but again, its crazy to see how people actually read my story<3

Next week is my last week before summer holdiday, so then I'll have all the time that I need.

Cya soon<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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