Chapter:- 16

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A shattering sound of something breaks my slumber. I look over my back to see the window is open but and the vase of flower which is supposed to be on the top of tea table is into pieces to the floor.

Eva and I had conversation for an hour as we watched the drama 'maid's revenge'. A Chinese drama. Then we seperated.  The moonlight is illuminating the room through the curtains.

I Shove the duvet off myself as I put my left foot first on the cold tile floor. I shiver down my spine as I traipse to the face of the window. I can see the sea which is rumbling to the shore. The moonlight over the surface of the sea is glittering. The rushing wind billows my hair.

I am bewitched by this phenomenal beauty.

But the fact is I clearly remember that I closed the window. And I have seen many times my window open . And I've always  tried to rebut my concious.

But then my eyes go to the mark of wet mud on the white pristine oblong window side. Sudden horror of someone trespassing into my room stabs me. But I am on a room in tenth floor. Anyone can't ascend over here.

My heart picks up it's pace. My eyes snaps to my right when I hear something from the side of my bathroom door. My fist clenches into a fist.

The ac is on but I am sweating profusely. The sweat beads are making my hands clammy. My ears are perked up when I hear something of dropping. I holler with my croaky voice " is there anyone?"

I get nothing. Just silence.

The silence is daunting me more. My breathing is not normal anymore.

I twist the knob of my bathroom and it screeches open. Then I see my toothbrush is over the floor and a cockroach is roaming around the countertop. I huff out a relief sigh.

Then I pick up the brush and place it where it's supposed to be. I wash away my face then gaze at my reflection. It looks so dull and lifeless. My hair is a mess .

Since the incident in Hanuma bay I have been so terrified. Wiping my face with the towel which smells like citrus and vanilla. The flavour of my body wash and shampoo.

I turn around to turn off the light and get into my bed. But my eyes snap to the man in all black . His physique looks like the man from before. His every part of body is covered in black clothing. Only his eyes and a bit of nose are accentuating in the dim light of the bathroom. 

I try to shut off the bathroom door. But the man is nimble like a cat as he slips into the bathroom.

I try to gnaw at him, scrape him but he quickly grips my hands pushing my back against the sharp cornor of the countertop.

I stares at my fail attempts coolly. My heart beats is at horrific speed. I can hear the drums of it in my ears. My body feels on hearth.

I, pulling my face forward bite hard down on his grip. My teeth sinks into his skin hard that it starts bleeding. He jerks away from me. My mouth is filled with copper taste of blood.

His eyes are furious as he grips his hand with other one. I am huffing and puffing. Not even a second passes that he grips my throat harshly.

My head bumps into the tile wall. I am trying to unscrew his grip. But he is too strong. I am choking on my own saliva as I try to find something heavy weight to get him knocked off with my other hand. In the process the faucet of the shower gets turned on and the shower above my head makes it worse for me to breathe.

My hand touches my shampoo bottle and I smack it on his head hard. He still doesn't budge a bit.

My brain is foggy and I can't cut an idea through it. With desperation to get out of his grip I blow him on his pelvis with my knee hard. And it seems to work as he stumbles back in pain. He crouches down holding it with his two hands.

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