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While looking at people I suddenly remember something or someone I should say.

Flashback (Fifteen years old)

I was getting ready because mom said that someone is coming here to meet us. I was wearing a brown dress and with a little touch of makeup, I was ready.

"Ana! Where are you? Come downstairs right this instant. She is going to arrive". Mom yelled. She has been arranging the house the whole day and made lots of food.

I don't know who that special person is.

I quickly applied lipstick and rushed downstairs. When I climbed off the last step, I saw a lady with brown hair sitting in front of mom. I continued to stand there until mom noticed me.

"Ana, what are you doing standing there? Come here and meet Alice. She is my high school friend". Mom said to me. I moved forward and greeted her. "Hi! I am Analise. Nice to meet you".

"Oh, dear! Nice to meet you too. You have grown so much. Last time when I met you, you were only five years old". She stood and engulfed me in a hug.

She said that she lives in Italy. Due to some problems, she hasn't been able to contact me for years.

Mom and she talked a lot. She stayed with us for a week. We talked and bonded. We visited different places. When she was leaving for Milan, we were all so sad.

The days spent with her were just wonderful.

"Analise! If you ever come to Italy then visit me too. This is my address". She gave me her address and left.

I so wanted to go to Italy that I learned her address by heart.

Flashback Ends


This is it. I will escape from here and will reach Milan to live with Alice. I will be safe with her and hope she still lives there. Luciano doesn't know about her so it will be hard for him to find me.

I can't go back to America because I don't have my passport with me. I wonder how Luciano even brought me to Italy without my passport.

I just have to find a way. After a long drive, we reached a shop. "Spòse" is written on it with big letters. (Brides)

Does it mean 'spouse'?

He again takes my hand and enters the shop. I am shocked to see this shop filled with elegant white wedding dresses. These dresses look too expensive and let's not ignore the shop's decor which is screaming 'Rich'.

"Mostra i migliori abiti da sposa per il mio presto per essere moglie. Non c'è limite di prezzo ma fai attenzione a ciò che ci mostri". Luciano's deep and serious voice makes me come out of my thoughts. (Show the best bridal dresses for my soon to be wife. There is no price limit but be careful of what you show us.)

Whatever he said must be scary because the girl is now nervous.

Around two hours have passed. I continue to sit in the corner without taking any part as I have been doing for the past hours.

Luciano has checked almost half of the shop and is still checking. He is checking out a dress when suddenly the girl walks up to him and says, "Signore questo sarà sicuramente Bello sul tuo fidanzato". His eyes met mine, and he walked to me with a dress in his hand. (Sir this will surely look beautiful on your fiancé)

"Go and try this one and if it doesn't fit you or you don't like it then she will die". He said loudly. He likes to kill. I wonder if he is a serial killer?

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