USJ [4]

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Hanryoku Chiaki awoke before the sun rose that morning. The bad feeling she had from yesterday still hadn’t gone away, so, she decided to be prepared in case something went wrong. Chiaki packed a bag of snacks, water, and medical supplies, such as bandaids and antibacterial spray.

“Just in case…”

She dressed herself in her hero suit and strapped the small bag to her belt. Perhaps she was being overly cautious, but she’d rather be safe than sorry. Chiaki pulled her boots on over her feet, pecked Louise on the forehead and left for school.

She was too anxious to worry about the fact that she might get to school early. She was too nervous to think about why she was so tense. All Chiaki knew, was that she wanted to be prepared.

On her walk to school, she got lost in her head, and when she got lost in her head, things never seemed to go her way. She tripped over the air, choked on her spit, and almost got hit by a car. Well, more like she almost hit a car… She freaked out, used her quirk, and then profusely apologised.

--- Time skip, at the buses ---

“Line up according to your ID number! Load onto this bus in an orderly fashion!” Iida yelled. Chiaki chuckled lightly, letting him do his thing. Once on the bus, Chiaki sat beside Shimizu, the twins across from them.

“Oh, Aki-chan, do you think you could help me with my quirk once we get to the place?” Mio asked softly, Chiaki grinned, “Sure!! Just lemme know what you need help with!” Mio gave a close-eyed smile and a thumbs up.


Chiaki’s anxiety eased once she got on the bus, knowing her father would be with them at the training. Whatever came their way, she was confident that he would take care of it.

“I generally say what's on my mind, Midoriya.” Asui said, causing the green-haired boy to perk up a bit. “Oh?! What is it, Asui?”

Asui glanced at him, “Call me Tsu.” She then placed her index finger on her chin, “Your quirk resembles All Might’s.” Midoriya began waving his hands in front of himself frantically. “R-r-r-really?! Nah. I mean, I…”

“Hold up, Tsuyu. All Might doesn’t get hurt, though. They’re already different in that way. But that sort of simple strength-enhancement quirk is awesome! You can do a lot of stuff with it!” Kirishima hardened his arm in demonstration.

“Not like my Hardening. I’m good in a fight, but it’s really boring.”

Midoriya shot him a large grin, “I think that’s pretty neat though.  Your quirk is more than enough if you wanna go pro.”

Ashido chimed into the conversation. “Pro! But don’t forget that heroes also have to worry about popular appeal!!” Aoyama placed his chin into his hands, “My Navel Laser is both strong and cool. Perfect for a pro.” Ashido patted his shoulder, “As long as you don’t blow up your own stomach!”

Kaminari piped up, “You wanna talk strong and cool? That’d be Todoroki, Bakugo, and Hanryoku.”

Chiaki blushed lightly and rubbed the back of her neck. “You really think so?” Kaminari grinned at her, “Heck yeah!! Your performance on the assessment test was so cool!!” Chiaki chuckled. “Thanks, Kaminari-kun.”

Asui again placed her finger on her chin, “But Bakugo’s so unhinged. He’d never be popular.”

“WHAT’D YOU SAY, FROG FACE?!” Bakugo screamed. Asui pointed to him, a blank stare on her face. “See?”

Chiaki glanced over to that side of the bus and saw that Jirou looked distressed. She quickly stood up and made her way over to them. “Hey, Jirou, wanna switch?” Jirou’s face relaxed and she nodded, “Yes please… he’s so noisy…”
Chiaki chuckled and plopped down in the seat next to Bakugou, as he gave her an earful as to why he was better than her. “Honestly, Noneofyourgoddamnbusinessextra, don’t you think you’re name is kinda long?”

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