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The show finished him doing the kiwi whale and thanking everyone for the 1 millionth time.

It was the best night ever, i can't wait for tomorrow.

"Mads that was the best thing i've ever seen in my life" Everlyn jumped around.

"I know it was so good." i replied.

We walked back to the car park to try and find my car. We walked around for about 1 hour and a half  trying to find my car but we couldn't find it anywhere.

"I swear it was here" I said confused, turning towards my sister.

"How can your car just suddenly go missing?" Everlyn asked.

"Let's sneak back in to try and get help" i suggested.

We found our way through a fire exit and made our way back to the stage which was surprisingly quite easy.

"wow it looks so empty now" Everlyn looked around in awe. "I dare you to go up on the stage" Everlyn grinned.

"Deal" I said climbing over the barrier and onto the stage. I strutted around pretending to be Harry, skipping around, dancing and singing. It was pretty great actually.

"what are doing?" a deep voice came from behind me.

Shit, I'm fucked.

I turned around to see the one and only Harry Styles standing right behind me. No wonder Everlyn went quiet and stopped dancing with me.

My heart dropped.

"Oh um- sorry" I apologised and quickly walked to the edge of the stage to get off but my wrist got grabbed by Harry's ring-covered hand.

"Stay, sing with me" Harry smiled.

Oh my God what the fuck is happening right now.

"happily" i laughed, stepping back to the middle.

He laughed, "what's your name?"

"Maddy and my sister is Everlyn" I replied, making sure to say Ev's name as i knew she would kill me if i didn't.

"well it's nice to meet you, why are you still here?" he asked.

"i've lost my car" I giggled.

"how did you do that, Maddy?" He laughed staring into my eyes.

"I honestly don't know"

"I'll get someone to find it for you, don't worry" He flashed his famous and contagious smile at me, his dimples showing just after.

"okay thank you" I smiled.

Harry went and asked for someone to find my car and while he did that he also got another microphone.

He came back a few minutes later.

"So did you enjoy the show?" Harry asked whilst he gave me the microphone.

"yes it was amazing, we are also coming tomorrow as well" i replied.

"oh i'll have to look out for you" he winked jokingly.

I laugh, "yes, we are also going to make a sign but we don't know what to say yet and we are in Jonny's place"

A faint voice came from backstage saying "all set harry"

"are you ready, Maddy" Harry asked, "what song would you like to sing?"

"can we please sing sweet creature" I replied.

"of course" he smiled.

The music started playing which filled the stadium, Harry started singing first.

"sweet creature//had another talk about where it's going wrong// and we're still young// don't know where we are going but we know where we belong" He sang beautifully, he was an angel in real life. He gave me the signal to start singing.

"ohhh we started two hearts in one home,it's hard when we argue//we're both stubborn i know" My voice projecting out into the large space was a special feeling. I have never heard my voice that loud before.

Harry's eyes widened at the sound of my voice, he looked at me in awe.

"sweet creature// sweet creature// where ever i go//you will bring me home" I sang the melody and Harry sang the harmony, it was perfect.

Everlyns face was still in shock. She looked like she had just seen an angel.

"sweet creature// sweet creature// when i run out of rope// you will bring me home." I sang whilst looking at Harry. His green eyes looked deep into my soul.

We finished singing the song and Harry was still in shocked by my voice.

"Wow Maddy, you're amazing" He complimented.

"Thank you so much" my face turned a shade of pink at his words. To hear such a compliment from the best singer in the world was amazing.

"OMG guys you were absolutely amazing!" Everlyn screamed excitedly.

"Thank you" We both said at the same time.

I turned to face him, "Harry, i'm so glad i got to sing with you, it was like a dream"

"It was my pleasure, Maddy" He nodded.

One of the customer service representatives came into the arena, "Miss we have found your car"

"Thank you! Where was it?" I asked.

"It was the other side of the arena, you must of forgot where you parked" he smiled.

"I must of" I laughed.

"Maddy, wait, before you go... can i get your number to make sure you get back safe?"

Wait... he just asked for my number. What The Fuck!

"Yes of course" I smiled, as he passed over his phone and put my number in his contacts.

"thank you, for coming to see my show" Harry said as i handed his phone back.

"Honestly it was the best thing i've ever seen, I can't wait for tomorrow"

He nodded in appreciation, "Make sure you text me what your sign says" he laughed.

"Of course i will" I smiled up to him.

"Harry, can we get a quick picture if you don't mind?" Everlyn asked.

"Of course you can" He said taking Everlyns phone as he wrapped his arms around us both and took loads of selfies.

"thank you for this loving evening, Harry" I thanked again for the tenth time.

"It was lovely meeting you both" Harry winked as we left the arena.

DAYDREAMING- Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now