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After the little moment in the line, an hour later we were let into the arena. The atmosphere today was so different then yesterday, everyone was stressed instead of being excited.

We walked through the arena and out towards the stage. We weren't worried because we were second from the front of the line.

Everyone went under the bridge bit of the stage and that was our cue to speed walk towards the front barrier.

We made it. This was bringing back memories of last night, we jumped and screamed.

Me and Ev were so lucky.

4 hours later

Wet leg played there set, whilst we waited we also sang bohemian rhapsody, this was when i knew he was coming. The atmosphere was amazing.

The birds chirping started and this was when the real excitement started. Suddenly, my phone buzzed.

About to go on, hope you enjoy ;)

Okay, we most definitely will :))

The notes to 'daydreaming' started and the stadium filled with screams and happiness. A few moments later, Harry came skipping on, waving at the crowd as he did so. 

As soon as the lyrics were about to start he made his way to the microphone,

"LIVING IN A DAYDREAM, SHE SAID LOVE ME LIKE YOU PAY ME" Everlyn and I screamed like everyone else in the stadium.

Half way through the song, Harry spotted us in the crowd, he gave us a little wave and a smile and carried on with the song.

The next song was 'golden'. He was amazing and i couldn't take my eyes off him.

It was then adore you, at this point Ev and I where already losing our voices.

"walk through fire for you" Harry sang, pointing his microphone out towards the audience and the audience sang,


"okay but just for tonight" He smiled, bending down to look at Ev and I.

After the song, he had a break and read people's signs, we held ours up high and of course it caught his attention.

"So this sign here says, where do i go after this, this is home" Harry read into the microphone, he held his hand up to his heart, me and Ev screamed. "You can always stay with me, Mads" he smirked, winking at me.

I looked at Everlyn in shock, "what's that meant to mean?" I laughed.

"I think he likes you Mads" She squealed with excitement.

"No he's probably just joking around" I said looking back towards the stage.

Harry walked around the stage reading out other signs and giving a girl advice on if she should move in with her boyfriend.

He played a few more songs before having another breather.

"So there's this girl in the crowd" Harry started which made the crowd go crazy, "She's called Maddy and i would love for her to come up here and sing with me. She has an amazing voice and i want you all to here it"

"THATS YOU, MADDY THATS YOU" Everlyn screamed in excitement whilst also jumping up and down.

Is this really happening right now?

"Maddy please come up on the stage" Harry said putting his hand out and put a reassuring smile on his face.

I climbed over the barrier and walked up the stairs to the stage. My nerves were going crazy, i'm going to be singing on a stage in front of thousands of people. I guess it's good practice.

Harry greeted me with a hug and the crowd went wild. He passed me a microphone and gave me a look to say, 'you'll be fine'

I looked around at the stadium, it was huge, but my adrenaline came rushing in. I can see why Harry does this, it gives you the best feeling.

"Just go with the flow, be yourself" He whispered in my ear, rubbing my back for reassurance. I nodded in response.

"Hi everyone!" I said waving into the crowd. They all said hello back and waved.

"The song we will be singing is... you'll find out" He laughed, raising his eyebrows towards me.

"I hope you like it" I said shyly.

"I will, so they most definitely will" Harry said, making me blush with his words.

The music started playing and the whole crowd went crazy. Of course Harry started the song of like we "practiced" yesterday. I started walking down towards where the stage goes around Jonny's Place and out into the audience. Harry did the same on the other side.

It was now my turn to sing, "sweet creature, sweet creature, where ever i go, you will bring me home..." The whole crowd sang along with me. Is this real life or a daydream?

Me and Harry eventually met in the middle on the lyric where we both sing, "when i run out of rope, you will bring me home" i stared into his green eyes for a few seconds before letting him sing the next verse.

The song finished and Harry and I held hands, put them in the air and bowed for everyone. After he gave me a massive hug.

"You were amazing once again, stay after the show" he said into my ear.

"Okay Harry, thank you again" i smiled a sympathetic smile.

I got off the stage and went back to Everlyn. Everyone around us said how brilliant I was and how I was so lucky to sing with The Harry Styles.

The show continued on and I had the best night of my life. I'm sure it was going to get even better later.

DAYDREAMING- Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now