Sweetest Obsession - Yandere Bruce

1.3K 19 14

Requested by @milesmiscool

And we're back lovelies! A whole 1.3k story as a welcome back! Hope you enjoy! (Not proofread)

Your friends always told you that you were too nice for this world.

And maybe your kindness is to blame for your unfortunate situation.

It wasn't a secret to anyone how you had an admirer, a very devoted one at that. Bruce Yamada looked at you as if you had single handedly hung every star in the sky and never left your side.

You remember your first encounter with Bruce quite vividly, grabbing his attention and handing him back the baseball that had fallen out of his backpack. If only you knew how much of a mistake that was.

From then on your fate was sealed.

At first, Bruce's behaviour seemed normal; walking you to class, sitting with you at lunch, all the normal things a friend would do. But then you realised the change.  How he would wait for you outside your house at 7:00 am to walk you to school despite knowing school starts at 10:00 am. How he would walk you home despite declining his invitation and wanting the time for yourself, the walking you aspect being more following you home. Or how he would just so happen to show up when you were out shopping with Gwen and Donna.

Donna always joked (but not really) about you filing a restraining order against him but you brushed of his behaviour, trying to convince her it was just his way of showing friendly affection.

Donna was in fact not convinced.

However, when you were recovered from the Grabber's basement, not well but alive, did Bruce's behaviour reach its climax.

You can't remember the last time you enjoyed your own company, it seemed no matter where you were or at what hour Bruce's presence was always known.

And if that wasn't enough, the notes quickly started flowing in from every direction. Each one disgustingly creepier than the next.

And it didn't take a genius to figure out who they were from.

Y/N !
You look so pretty today darling! Have I told you that already? Doesn't matter! I'll tell you 1000 times! That skirt is my favourite, did you wear it for me? I hope so

Have you eaten today? Goodness I hope so! I need my girl to be healthy so we can live a happy life together! I'll happily feed you myself if that's what it takes! I'll watch in envy as the spoon passes your perfect lips and imagine how they would feel pressed against mine.

Darling Y/N,
Don't worry, I know you aren't to blame for the disturbing incident I witnessed! I can't believe the blonde buffoon thinks he is worthy of such a flawless beauty as yourself. No need for you to worry your pretty little head about it, Vance will get what he deserves. Maybe I should just lock you up? Keep you all to myself! That's the dream, just me and my perfect girl

You knew you should've done something but it was clear to you that something was wrong with Bruce mentally and you couldn't find it in you to report him.

So when he asked you to help tutor him in English, you found yourself accepting his request.

And your agreement was music to his ears; he was finally going on a date with you!

Of course you were weary, which is why you informed Donna straight away of what you had gotten yourself into and being the greatest friend that she is, she was not happy at all.

Yet you found yourself outside Bruce's door, your palms sweating with nerves, and you couldn't even knock before the door swung open and revealed a grinning Bruce, his smile mirroring that of a Cheshire Cat.

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