Chapter 3

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"Oh, it's Alhaitham!" Paimon exclaimed as the Traveler finished inserting a photo into the photobook.

It's been a day since they last saw Kaveh in Sumeru, and the traveling companions took a couple more pictures from certain viewpoints with more ease since they managed to buy some rolls for their Kamera.

"Where?" the Traveler asked, looking around in confusion seeing there was no Alhaitham in sight.

"In the picture, we took it a few minutes ago! It was a selfie picture!" Paimon pointed at the photo where they were at the Grand Bazaar. Indeed, the mentioned man can be seen from a far distance, looking at the pair with an unamused look and crossed arms. If anyone looked at the picture, it will take an observant person to notice his presence.

"I thought you meant right now," the Traveler huffed. Paimon giggled as she looked at the photos. "These are amazing pictures, Traveler! You've got a knack for photography!"

"I think it's decent," they said and laughed.

"I heard you talking about me," a deadpan voice said, making the Traveler flinch and Paimon shriek. They turned their backs to see the mentioned man hovering over them with a stare.

"Alhaitham! Don't scare us like that!"

"I hardly think I scared you," Alhaitham said, crossing his arms. "I was heading over and my footsteps can be heard, I'm sure. I believe you were just deaf to hear it considering how loud your voice is."

"Ugh! You are so... so...!" Paimon stomped her foot in the air, frustrated.

"Oh? I am what?"

"Uh..." Paimon went silent afterward. The Traveler sighed. "Sorry Alhaitham. We were putting in the pictures we took during our journey in our new photo album. What are you doing out here today?"

"I was returning to my house," Alhaitham responded, lifting up a bag. "I went shopping for food."

"Oh," the Traveler spoke, not sure what to say about that.

"Ooh! Food! Can Paimon have some? Paimon is starving from all the sightseeing we went through!" Paimon floats in the air excitedly. However, Alhaitham shook his head in disapproval. Paimon slumped at the response, huffing.

"How's the Akademiya's Grand Sage doing lately?" the Traveler asked, and Alhaitham sighed.

"Horrible," he answered tiredly before he started walking away from the pair. "Now if you excuse me, I'll be heading home now."

"Have a good night, Alhaitham."

"Hey Traveler," Paimon got the Traveler's attention. "He still doesn't know about the huge purchase sent to his account, right?"

"Pardon?" Alhaitham turned his head towards them. The Traveler shot Paimon an 'Are you kidding me' look as Paimon squeaked.

"Uh well-"

"Traveler, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" the Traveler raised his hands up in defense.

"Perhaps not," Alhaitham spoke, his voice dead serious. "But you were clearly involved, according to your floating companion. Plus, the only person that sends his purchases to my account is my roommate. In that case, I'll rephrase the question; what did Kaveh do?"

"There's nothing wrong with telling Alhaitham everything, right?"

"Paimon doesn't know, don't look at me!"

The Traveler eyed the taller male and sighed. "Well, here's what happened..."


"I see. Of course he had to help you buy this..." Alhaitham groaned. "And for 500,000 Mora? Just what is special about this... photo album?"

"We couldn't find a photo album after a couple hours and we were about to give up when we spotted this one. The merchant didn't want to sell it, saying it was made with a special kind of material hidden underneath all this leather."

"The merchant finds it pretty nice," Paimon added unhelpfully.

"I'm raising the rent cost higher once Kaveh returns from Liyue," Alhaitham muttered and the Traveler snorted.

"Well, I do believe you were heading home," they said. "It's getting pretty dark, and I only have a few photos left before going off to explore a bit more. Have a good night once again, Alhaitham."

"I suppose I wish you one as well. Goodbye."

As Alhaitham left, Paimon looked at the table where the photos were. She stared. "Uh, Traveler? Were there always these few pictures?"


Later that evening, the grey-haired male stared at the picture he found while emptying his shopping bag in the kitchen. He doesn't remember buying or putting it in the bag, so after a bit of confusion, he decided to let it slide and placed it on his desk, and until he comes across the Traveler, he'd be safekeeping it.

'Now to put the groceries in place...' He left his room with the picture's glare shining bright against the moonlight that peers through the decorative window panes.

It was a picture of a blurred Kaveh faceplanting into the water somewhere in Sumeru while Paimon looked frustrated, and it looked as if she was pushing his roommate. The Traveler could be seen the closest to the picture with an expression of small laughter, looking towards the Kamera than the two themselves.

Outside, the light cool breeze hummed.

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