☀️- Swords

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Over the course of a few days, Percy settled into a normal routine. Or, as normal as you can get in a camp full of demigods with lessons being taught by satyrs, nymphs, and a Centaur.

Every morning his first lesson would be Ancient Greek with Annabeth and [Y/n]. Annabeth would teach him the history of the gods and the language and [Y/n] would teach him the signs for each god as well. After an hour, Annabeth would leave to start her own routines and [Y/n] would take over and teach him ASL.

[Y/n] would bring a notebook and some flashcards with her to help teach. The flash cards would act as a study guide and the notebook would be used if he had any trouble understanding in sign. They would work their way through learning the alphabet, corresponding words and some basic sentences.

Percy would look forward to her lessons. It felt very casual to learn with her. During his other activities, he could feel the eyes of the counselors and other campers watching him, trying to decide who his dad was and to see what other skills the newcomer who slayed the Minotaur had.

With [Y/n], it didn't matter. She made it clear during their first lesson.

[Y/n] rolled her eyes and waved her hand away dramatically, before grabbing her note book and hastily writing in it "Ignore them. Killing a monster and whoever your godly parent is, can only take you so far. It's up to YOU to make a good impression here. Everything else-" She waved her hand away, as if dismissing the notion.

Despite her words of encouragement, Percy couldn't help but dwell on who his dad might be. Every night he would eat dinner with cabin eleven, scrape part of his meal into the fire, and try to feel some connection. Nothing came.

Just that warm feeling, like the memory of his smile.

Percy started to understand Luke's bitterness and how he seemed to resent his father, Hermes. So okay, maybe gods had important things to do. But couldn't they call once in a while, or thunder, or something? Dionysus could make Diet Coke appear out of thin air. Why couldn't his dad, whoever he was, make a phone appear?

[Y/n] snapped to get his attention back.

"How's camplife been for you?" [Y/n] asked.

Percy thought for a moment before answering. "Could be better. I've been trying archery with Chiron, but I almost shot his tail off. I got dusted by the wood-nymphs in foot racing. And wrestling? Awful- it's like I'm classires personal punching bag! On the bright side, I'm good at canoeing, which is great in case we ever need to canoe anywhere."

Despite all his complaints Percy was enjoying camp. He liked waking up and seeing the morning fog roll over the beach, the smell of the strawberry fields in the afternoon, and even the weird noises of monsters in the woods at night. It was all becoming a strange comfort to him.

"Well," She shrugged, "maybe instead of being good at one thing, you're 'okay' at a lot of other things. You might be a Hermes kid!" [Y/n] signed to lighten his mood.

"A what?" Percy asked.

"H-E-R-M-E-S" [Y/n] finger spelled. She took note to go over the signs for the gods again.

"Oh." Percy said flatly. "Luke said the same thing, but I think he's trying to make me feel better."

"Don't let it get to you Percy," [Y/n] reassured. "It'll happen when it happens...But sometimes finding out who your parent, isn't as all as it's cracked up to be."

That made Percy curious. All of the campers back in the Herme's cabin would do anything to find out who their godly parent is. To be actually noticed by them. To finally be claimed, and move into their respective cabin.

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