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"Why are you following me?"

Aelia froze, Goosebumps run up her skin when she heard the low voice that comes from the woman.

Shit! Aelia thought.

Unable to hear a response from the person following her, Azriel turn around and face her.
"I'm asking you." She said staring at the woman in the eyes.

"I... I'm not... I'm not following" Aelia stuttered.
"I'm on my way to the field to meet with a friend." Gritting her teeth as she lied, Aelia looked away from the woman and averted her eyes somewhere else, and as if fate is on her side this very moment she caught a glimpse of Kali, a few distance from her and Azriel, Talking to someone.

"KALLISTE!" Aelia shouted wishing the other to hear her and save her from this confrontation.

Kalliste hearing her name being called turned her head towards the direction of the voice and saw her friend standing a few steps away from Azriel, her eyes widen.

"What the hell?" She whispered and quickly walked towards the direction of her friend sensing that the other desperately needed her that very moment, Kalliste walked away from the person she's talking to to tend to her friend.

"Hey, Bella!" She greeted when she managed to get near the two, she observed Azriel staring at Aelia.
"Is everything okay here?" She asked.

"Yes, I was just about to meet you, right?" Aelia said signalling Kali to just work with her.

"ah, Yes. Let's go?" Aelia quickly nodded clinging onto Kali and then dragging her friend with her.

Azriel didn't say a word although she did not believe the latter, she let her leave without confronting her further about following her. She just stared at her until she turned a corner and out of Azriel's sight.

"What was that?" Kali asked her friend the moment they entered their shared bedroom.

"I don't know!" Aelia exclaimed.

"What do you mean you don't know? Why were you with her? Do you know who that was?" Kali asked multiple questions at once.

"I know her, I was following her."

"You what?" Kali exclaimed voice going an octave higher.
"Are you stupid? That was Azriel, She's dangerous! why the hell would you go around following her?" Kali did not mean to raise her voice, she's simply concerned.

Everyone in the academy knew Azriel. She's dangerous. Rumor said she tried to kill her mother, although Kali did not believe those rumors, she has a different reason for thinking Kali is dangerous.

Her ability told her. Azriel radiates a dark aura that she haven't seen before, It was the first time she sensed that when she first saw her.

She has seen her many times around the academy, the very reason is because they went to many classes together.

In all those times, Chills always ran up her spine.

Though there's one thing that feels off earlier,

Azriel's aura was light.

"I saw her earlier at lunch. She threw this guy named hunter across the room because he pushed her." Aelia started.
"We made eye contact for a split second, and I felt a sense of familiarity within her eyes, I can't explain it."

Kali continued listening and did not say a word.

"I saw her again when I was walking down the school halls, I was about to get back here but I felt this sudden urge to follow her out of curiosity, so I did."

A Z R I E L (A Freenbecky Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now