love and anger

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A few weeks later Eve woke up making Razer feel somewhat at ease when she opened her eyes she was still a bit bruised but her injuries were healing at least

"Feeling any better" Razer said "a lot better" Eve said and sat down as Kilowog looked somewhat heartbroken "what's with him?" Eve said

"Is that all it takes to stop a green lantern a broken heart" Razer said "say what now Kilowog has a crush?" Eve said with a small smile

Hal noticed Kilowog's discomfort "You want to talk about it sir-mopes-a-lot" hal said "no I miss Galia ok" Kilowog said "Sounds romantic" Eve said

"Hey I know, you're not the only one who left someone they care about" hal said Eve saddened "at least you weren't sucked into a wormhole away from your family" Eve said walking out of the room unable to cry from her devil self

Razer got up from his seat and lightly grabbed Eve's shoulder "your not alone here" Razer said making Eve slightly smile then they fell to the ground causing Eve to fall on top of Razer

Eve blushed and quickly got off him she cleared her throat "what happened" Eve said "that's a real monster" Razer said "I did give ample warning" aya said

Eve looked at it feeling slightly suspicious as the boys went to go deal with it "somethings not right here" Eve pointed out

Eve came out to see a bunch of lanterns her eyes glared at the pinkish lanterns feeling they have a suspicious aura around them

Eve's pov

"Course plotted for Zamaron" aya said as they headed to the star sapphires home planet I growled in annoyance as I tried to calm my anger

"Razer are you sure you don't want come they're throwing us a party" hal said "how delightful for you, I'll pass" Razer said

"Eve how about..." I cut hal off "no thanks" I said rather pissed off making Razer glance at me "C'mon it'll be fun" hal said dragging me

Hal dmade me join them to get me out of my mood but I know these star sapphires are not to be trusted not to mention leaving Razer alone like that isn't in my best interest

We flew and I was left with Kilowog as aga'po left and ghi'ata left with hal Jordan "I have no patience for this" I said walking away

I was about to leave until I saw Kilowog follow after a star sapphire with recognition, feeling concerned I decided to follow Kilowog

I followed discreetly making sure that I was quiet I saw something unspeakable Kilowog was in a giant pink crystal making me angered

"I knew they weren't to be trusted" I said then felt something at my back "scrap" I said putting up my hands in defense "you would be a good star sapphire why not join us" aga'po said

"And dish out what your serving I don't think so" I said turning on my camouflage and sweeping under her legs and running back to the interceptor

Razer's pov

I was with aya helping with repairs on the interceptor "repairs on the interceptor are completely but green lantern Kilowog is not responding" aya said

"His energy level is gone" aya said "he's dead?" I responded "no he's in stasis" aya said "I knew this planet was going to be more trouble than it's worth" I said

"Interceptor to hal Jordan, Kilowog's not answering hails is he with you?" I asked contacting hal Jordan but I've also not heard from Eve either

"Kilowog's a big boy Razer I'm sure he's fine" hal Jordan responded as he cut off contact "I've not heard from eve yet, have you aya" I said "affirmative I've not heard from her either" aya said

3rd person pov


Eve was trapped in Crystal but she ended up breaking out of it feeling annoyed her eyes turning red "I feel so pissed off now" Eve said cracking her neck

Razer was at the stairs "I don't wish to harm you, but know that I will" he said "Razer" Eve said as she kicked the star sapphires

"They've got Kilowog trapped in some sort of Crystal" Eve said "I knew they weren't to be trusted" Razer said "that makes two of us" Eve said

They went and saw aga'po "such a shame you wouldn't join us you'd make such a good star sapphire" aga'po said Eve pulled out her gun

"Like I'd join your crazy love cult thing you've got the wrong definition of what love means" Eve said locking her guns onto the star sapphires everywhere

"I might not understand what love is myself but at least I know what it's supposed to be" Eve said Razer looked at her surprised 'does she have a crush on someone' Razer thought to himself

Razer's heart ached when he thought that Eve had someone on earth she was waiting for not knowing it was in fact him she liked

"But you have so much potential as a star sapphire are you sure you won't reconsider" aga'po said Eve shot aga'po making her unconscious

"Not the type of love I'm looking for" Eve said as hal came with and helped Razer and aya, Eve walked up to hal and smacked him

"Ow what was that for" hal said "Next time you'll think twice before doing something stupid" Eve said walking over to the interceptor

The monster came back and Eve got really annoyed shooting a huge blast Killing the beast everyone was shocked "let's go" Eve said


After leaving the star sapphires it would be awhile until Eve was able to forgive hal for dragging her into this nonsense Razer was feeling rather jealous of the one who managed to catch Eve's heart

Razer decided to ask her out front "Eve" Razer said "hm yeah?" Eve said Razer licked his lips feeling a little nervous about asking her

"Is something wrong Razer?" Eve said "No it's...I was curious do you have someone you have your eyes on" Razer said not knowing why he's so jealous

"Your asking if I have a crush on anyone" Eve said a slightly blush "heh um...well uh..." Eve rubbed her cheek "I'll get back to you on that" Eve said

Razer watched her walk into her room feeling his heart ache wondering why he felt so jealous...then it occurred to him, he was in love...with Eve

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