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Amy and Jess have been staring at me for the past hour, and I have been attempting to fill up the silence, which wasn't hard seeing as Amy loves to talk.

"So...how has your day been?" I ask. That's all it takes for Amy to begin rambling on. She tells me how she had a chocolate croissant for breakfast and then how trainings went good and a girl advanced up to golden ranks. Amy seemed so excited about that, but then realized I didn't know what a golden rank was. She then went into detail about how a golden rank holds great responsibility and oversees trainings within the girl mafia. 

Jess hasn't once said anything and just let Amy ramble on, and it seems like forever until Callum bursts in the room. With wide eyes, he frantically looks around. That's when Amy finally stops talking, and asks Callum what's wrong.

"Calyssa's missing." He whispers, his face pale. his worry is so palpable I can feel it. His worry, though, quickly turns to anger.

"They fucking kidnapped my sister!" He explodes. Then he does the most unexpected thing. He prowls over to me, then scoops me in his arms. 

"Amy, Jess report to your commander!" Callum growls. I wrap my arms around his neck, not wanting for him to drop me. I have no idea why he is carrying me, I also have no idea where he is carrying me. Honestly, I don't know if I care at this point. So much has happened and I just want to see my boys again. 

He carries me down a hallway and up some stairs, soldiers now line the hallways and they stare at us as we pass. Callum then carries me into a bedroom. The bed has charcoal colored sheets with light pink pillows. Off to the corner, there is a wooden desk and two doors. Callum gently lays me down in the bed which is way more comfortable than the previous bed I was laying on.

Callum then sits next to me and takes a deep breath.

"So Lilah, how are you doing?" He asks me in a gentle tone. This is the kindest and gentlest he has been since I've been here. Why is he being nice to me? Why does he want to know how I am doing?

I decide to not respond to his question. He winces and rub the back of his neck.

"Yeah I deserve that. Look, Lilah," He hesitates.

"Just spit it out." I demand after a moment of silence. I am really getting sick of this bullshit. His eyes fill with an emotion I can't quite place. Is that desperation? He licks his lips.

"I need your help finding Calyssa." He says tentatively. I raise my eyebrows.

"I bet the boys will be willing to make a trade. Her for me." I respond and he runs a hand through his hair.

"I can't let you go. Not again." He mumbles the last part, but I still hear it. Again? What does that mean? He's attempted to kidnap me before?

"Why can't you let me go? You want me more than you want your sister?"  I ask him, attempting to guilt trip him. 

"I just can't let you go. Calyssa would want you to stay too. So listen to me this is what we're going to do-" I cut him off before he tells me the little plan he's made. I already know where this is going.

"I will not be your bait. I will attempt to escape. I will go home with my boys. You may want me but I do not want you." I tell him. He sighs again. 

"Lilah you need to understand-" He starts, but this is when my anger cannot be contained any longer.

"No! I don't have to understand anything, Callum! You kidnapped me! You took me away  from the loves of my life on accident and now you won't let me go back to them! The most frustrating part is the fact that I don't know why you want me so badly! My boys won't stop fighting until I am back in their arms." I shout at him, standing up from the bed and immediately regretting it when I get dizzy. I brace my hands on the bed and look up at Callum to see his pained expression. 

"Lilah, I'm sorry." Even though Callum says it in a genuine tone, I know better than that. He's not sorry, he needs me for whatever stupid reason. 

"Yeah, okay. Well, I'm sorry too." I snort and shake my head. I can't even properly attempt to escape because even if I did get past all of the soldiers I don't know where I am, or where I'd be going. Escaping would not be the smart thing to do.

"Is there something I can do to make it better?" Callum asks me. I raise my eyebrows.

"Besides taking me back to my boys? Hmm, let me think. No, you idiot!" I shout at him, unable to contain my anger anymore. His lips press into a thin line as his brows furrow. He stares at me and I stare at him in silence. After some thinking, I do think of a question.

"Actually, I want to know why you want me here so badly." I tell him. He sighs.

"It's leverage against Ryker. The only way he'll get you back is by bending his knee to me." Callum says, but I know what he's saying is complete and utter bullshit. I decide to be snarky. I sneeze.

"Bless-," Callum starts, but I cut him off.

"Sorry, it seems like I'm allergic to your bullshit!" I yell. Callum winces. 

"Maybe bring your volume down a bit." Callum suggests. I look at him like he's an idiot. 

"Tell me the real reason, Callum." I demand. Right after I say that, I get a little dizzy and decide it'd be best to sit down. Callum reaches out across the bed to help me, but I wave him off. I can do this alone. I get on the bed and lean against the pillows. He hasn't responded to my question yet.

"I'm waiting, Callum." I tell him and he sighs, running his hand through his hair once again. That has become something I realize he does whenever he's stressed. 

"I told you. Having you means we have leverage against Ryker, and if he wants you that bad then I'd be able to become the new mafia king." Callum informs me, telling me the information I already know. I can see right through him though, and know there's something he isn't telling me.

"Stop telling me what I already know! Tell me the real damn reason!" I shout. I feel like all I've ben doing is shouting and yelling at him. I think I pushed him to his breaking point.



Author's Note:

Damn! Ahh! The plot twist has finally occurred. How do you all feel about Callum being Lilah's brother? The people Lilah loves are rivals with the people she now knows is her family. Thank you so much for reading! Have a great day!!

Word count: 1179

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