Chapter One: Introductions

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Staring up at Gaffney Chicago Medical Centre, Gianna stared up at the building as she twirled her wedding band around her finger; it still felt unreal that she was standing here right now. 

The last few months had been hard and she knew that staying in Seattle wasn't an option for her, it had to many memories that she needed to escape. 

Her older sister had been more than understanding when it came to that part, she had been less than understanding when Gianna had told her that she wasn't coming back to Los Angeles. 

Julia was wonderful and she'd been so helpful with her recovery and dealing with all the funeral stuff but she could be overbearing at times. 

Gianna knew that going to live with her sister would only hold her back, Julia would want to baby her and she didn't feel like she could stand on her own two feet if she went to her sister's and hide from the world. 

A lump formed in her throat, it had been ten months since the car accident it still didn't feel real that this was her life; that she walked away with minor injuries and her husband was dead. 

Taking a deep breath, Gianna blinked back the tears knowing that she couldn't spend all her time crying; she had shed so many tears since she'd woken up next to Michael in the car with rain pounding down on them. 

Giving herself a shake, she didn't want the first impression at her new place of work to be one of her breaking down; she needed to move forward with her life and Michael would want her to carry on. 

Gianna tightened her hold on her backpack before she made her way towards the entrance, her head held high and she knew that it would take some time to get used to being here. 

She'd had a tour of the hospital last week after she had come to sign her contract with the hospital, Ms Goodwin had been more than happy to show her around and she had met a few of her new colleagues. 

Everyone seemed so nice and Gianna was thankful for that, no one was giving her looks of pity like they had back at Kindred Spirit Hospital. 

It had been there that they'd been taken after the accident, her best friend holding her back as they rushed Michael back for surgery; she couldn't remember what she had said to her, all the questions about Michael that she should have known had gone over her head and she had struggled to answer them.

The entrance to the emergency room was already busy, Gianna could see people waiting to be seen and she knew that it was going to be a busy day ahead of her; she was glad for that in part especially considering it would keep her mind of her own issues. 

A part of her knew that was why she loved working in emergency medicine, she might have specialised in trauma but she loved seeing patients and getting to treat them.

 "Morning Dr Marino," Maggie greeted smiling to the newest doctor on the roster, she had been thrilled to hear that they had been able to replace Connor with a new trauma surgeon. 

Gianna seemed nice, she had talked to her a little when she had come to sign her contract last week; she would fit right in here, Maggie was sure of that even if Goodwin had asked her to keep an eye on her. 

"Morning Maggie," Gianna greeted before she headed into the staff room to set down her bag and coat, she moved towards one of the lockers and opened it to set her things inside. 

Thankfully it wasn't as cold in the ED as it was outside, there was a light rain in the air and the forecast was predicting that it would carry on through out the day. 

Gianna shrugged off her coat as she peered out at the busy ED, it was one of those sink or swim moments; she would have to find her feet and quickly, she couldn't let her newness cause any ill affects on her patients. 

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