29. Nature's Gift

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Flora Memoria ( Nyoko's Point of View Part 3 )

"Aw, they love each other so much they became one,"

I felt a knot in my stomach as we stood face-to-face with a small pack of demons. They were all gathered in a circle laughing. All of them weren't too big, they were around the size of the two demons in the clearing, around 182 cm.

I didn't want to know what was in the center. I don't want to know what they did to the poor people they caught. But I had to go past it.

Both strangers and people we knew from school were running by us in a panic.

I couldn't fully understand much of what Ryuji said back then, but I know he said something about their horns being dangerous.

But having guns should put me at an advantage, right? I can't hesitate when I have to help people. These people can't defend themselves, they're relying on me and my friends, even if they don't know us.

As I took my dual guns out of my holsters I glanced at Den to see her nervously hiding behind her shield. It made me feel bad to see her so scared, I know it was her choice to sign a contract, we all did after all, right?

But I just felt like a girl as small and fragile as she should've just left and found safety. She could have even just stayed in the clearing. In truth, I wish she stayed.

I took a deep breath and aimed my dual guns at the distracted demons, I made sure my grip was firm and my arm was straight to prepare myself for recoil. I never thought Seina's random and strange facts would come in handy.

Once I clicked the triggers in synchronicity I was caught off guard. I felt a large surge of energy expelled from the gun as if the bullet was made of energy itself, and although it felt powerful there was zero recoil.

In what felt like an instant the bullets pierced the back of one of the demons causing him to scream.

I flinched slightly at the gruesome sight as it looked like vines were growing rapidly under their skin from where the bullets pierced.

How did I? I was so shocked, so disgusted. How did I do that?

"Oh! Good work! You managed to shoot out your magic! How did you do that without aid?" I heard the goddess ask happily in my head.

"I... I don't know." I whispered aloud in shock, the vines were tearing apart the demon from the inside as the other demons watched in shock. As they all backed away from them I saw what was in the center.

A sight I don't think I'd ever forget.

On the ground were two human bodies, they were pushed so harshly together that their bodies looked as if they were merging. Their bones stabbed into each other, their skulls smashed, and their organs squished between each other.

I hated this. I hate the sight of death, of people suffering.

They killed those two, and I killed one of their friends. I took a life. Even if it was a monster I still took a life. But I had to, I can't let them kill innocent people.

I signed this contract to protect those I love, to protect others. I can't back down just because of how I feel.

I have to put my emotions aside and do what I have to.

"Watch out!" Toku yelled out, once I looked away from the corpses and at the other demons I noticed a demon was running at me at full speed, it felt as if it was instantly when the demon got to me.

I aimed as fast as I could, and as if simultaneously the demons struck me as Toku pulled his trigger. I felt a strong burning sensation as the demon's head blew to smithereens, I was panting heavily from shock as I looked down to notice a large gash across my stomach.

"It's ok, it's ok, it's not deep enough to kill you," The goddess said softly as if to calm me down.

"Split up!" One of the demons called out, the last three then quickly sprinted at us to make it 1 on 1 fights. I struggled to land a shot on the demon charging at me, he was fast and moving in an odd manner to dodge.

I didn't know where to aim, so as he came in close I braced myself for his attack. I quickly shielded my head with my arms and closed my eyes.

"Nyoko!" Den called out.

Once I heard the sound of glass ringing in my ears I opened my eyes to see that there was a lavender dome surrounding me. It was just like the dome in the clearing. Did the goddess save me?


"Thank you, goddess," I said softly, flinching at the sharp noises as the demon banged against the barrier.

"There is no need to thank me, your friend is what shielded you." I heard her say, I looked over to see Den. The small shield on her arm was now big enough to cover her body, she was doing her best to stay standing as one of the demons tauntingly banged against her shield.

"I will teach you how to heal, just know that beforehand no wound can be completely healed." She started, her words made my attention return to my own fight at hand and when I placed one of my guns into its holster she continued to speak. "Now, place a hand on your wound. Envision it healing, see it returning to how it should be."

"As you picture that, feel the energy from your core cycling through your body, through your arms, your torso. Stay relaxed, and think of nothing but healing. Relax your muscles, and breathe steadily." I made sure my breathing pattern was calm, and relaxing as I listened to her gentle voice.

Within seconds the pain went away, but a large scar was left in its place.

"Can you continue fighting dear?" The goddess asked, her gentle voice was filled with so much care, it was strange to say but she reminded me so much of my mother.

I then pressed my gun to the barrier, making the demons back up quickly to prepare themselves.

"Den! You can let me out now!" I called out, and within a second the barrier melted into the ground and evaporated.

Loud bangs rang in the air with every shot Toku fired, if I struggled to land a shot from a distance I'd get up close.

I attempted to mimic the odd movements the demon did prior against me. The demon stared at me, I could tell they were studying me to prepare themselves.

Once I got up close and aimed the demon quickly grabbed my arm. I did all I could to ignore the pain and once he let his guard down I quickly pulled out my other gun and fired, the bullet landing in his shoulder.

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