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<<< Konan POV >>>


Vlad sensei then blow his whistle and everyone looked at him

" Everyone formed in line as I explain to you the trials we will be doing today" He declared and everyone starts forming their line based on the number .

" The trials we'll be doing today are : 50 meter dash , grip strength , standing long jump , repeated side steps , and ball throw ! Any question ?" He said that in a loud voice only for him to see that no one raises their hands



" First 2 students are Awase and Kaibara get ready on the starting point " Awase began stretching while Kaibara uses his quirk and begin rotating his arms at very high speed. The began to prepare to race and Vlad sensei blows his whistle and said " START ! "

Yosutsu Awase

Quirk : Weld

Awase can fuse objects at a sub-atomic level

Kaibara over runs Awase in terms of speed since he can spin his legs to glide across the ground and the robot measures Kaibara's speed " 4.05 seconds " , followed by  Awase whose speed measures up to 7.23 seconds

" The next students who will be competing in the race is Chou and Tokage , please prepare at the starting point " we prepare at the starting point and wait for the signal to begin running . " START !!" I quickly hopped to the end because of my past life and ninja skills " 2.3 sec " and came Tokage who separate her body to fly " 4.02 sec "

" Not bad " said Tokage who was catching her breath , " same goes for you " I respond



For this test I barely was able to do anything and despite my training I only scored a 84 kg on my grip while other scored higher especially with Itsuka and the the beast looking person named Jurota Shishida

For this test I barely was able to do anything and despite my training I only scored a 84 kg on my grip while other scored higher especially with Itsuka and the the beast looking person named Jurota Shishida

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