After Party²

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Since that night at B/F/N's birthday, Bucky and I can't get away from each other. We've been on many secret dates, kissed again, and kept it all a secret for a month. It's gotten to the point that we feel guilty for every secret kiss, makeout session, and holding of hands. But, we don't know how B/F/N will react. She is a very passionate yet irrational person, and to know that her best friend is dating her older brother, that might set her off. So, we decided to keep it a secret until we know what this is exactly.

I'm not sure if this is love or not. I've known Bucky for years and always had a crush on him. Over the years this crush got bigger and bigger, turning into a full-blown attraction, which was reciprocated. He told me that he always found me interesting and wanted to know more about me, only realising it was attraction when he saw how much I'd grown over the years. The year when he went to college and I was still in high school, we didn't see each other. He said that after that year when I went to the same college and he saw me, he knew that he was attracted to me.

Anyway, we are currently walking up to his house after a date, late at night. He is holding my hand, constantly kissing my knuckles. The smile on my face is unerasable, and I absolutely love it. Bucky makes me feel seen, and I need that the more I see him. He unlocks the door, not caring about how loud we are being as we will have the entire house to ourselves for the night. During dinner, he couldn't stop touching my thigh, telling me everything he wanted to do to me when we got back to his house. And, now that we are back, with his parents away on a weekend holiday and B/F/N out with a friend, I can't wait to see him reenact his promises.

But, our actions are halted when we walk past the living room, hearing sniffling. We are still holding hands, my hand wrapped around his arm. The sniffling turns louder as a small lamp sitting on a coffee table turns on, illuminating the room. On the one-seater couch in the corner of the room, sits B/F/N, a tissue pressed against her nose, catching the snot leaking from her nostrils. I quickly separate from Bucky, taking a huge step to make room between us. But, it's too late, she already saw us.

"What are you doing home?" Bucky asks. "I thought you were out for the night."

"I was sick, so I drove home." She stands from the couch. "What are you two doing together? You told me you were staying home to play video games, Bucky."

"Well," He stutters. "Y/N called me, said she was bored, so-"

"We went to dinner." I finish off his sentence.

"Dinner?" Her eyebrows raise. "Like a date?"

Bucky and I look at each other, talking with our eyes. I silently ask him if we should confess, and he looks terrified. Even though they don't have the best relationship, Bucky doesn't want to lose B/F/N. Neither do I. Quickly, Bucky takes up the room I separated between us, grabs my hand and holds it with confidence. B/F/N's eyebrows raise as she stares at our hands, her expression unreadable. Both Bucky and I feel small under her gaze, waiting for her to speak.

"Yes," Bucky nods his head. "A date."

B/F/N takes a step towards us, looking deep into my eyes. She then glares at Bucky, trying to find a hint of sarcasm in his tone, but falls short. Because there isn't any. She walks to stand in front of him, challenging him as she stands tall, but still has to look up at his face. He doesn't fold under her gaze, which I admire, but am also terrified of. I don't think I will react the same if she looks at me like that.

"Are you just using her?" She asks.

"What! No." Bucky shakes his head.

"Is she just a distraction? A fuck buddy?"

"Of course not."

She then walks to stand in front of me, being level with my face. She seems less intimidating but still has an inquisitive look on her face. I try to act big in her gaze, but she sees through my bullshit. I feel stupid, so I fall back to my usual height, looking into her eyes. The look I give her hopefully tells her everything she needs to know. I promise this won't hurt you.

"Do you like him?" She questions.

"Yes, B/F/N." I nod my head.

"Are you just doing this because you're bored?"

"No, I really want this with Bucky."

Her expressionless face quickly breaks out into a smile, and she pulls us both into a group hug. Honestly, this scares me more than it feels comforting. I can tell that Bucky feels the same way too by the look on his face. She lets go of us, making her way back to the couch, grabbing her blanket and tissues. We watch her walk up the stairs, not looking back at us.

"I'm going to bed." She sniffs. "I swear to god, if you two are loud, I will make this night your personal hell."

She makes it up the staircase and goes into her bedroom. Bucky and I stand, baffled at her reaction. I've played this scenario in my head many times, and I never thought it would play out like this. Bucky lets go of my hand, making me turn to face him. He has a wide smile on his face as he leans down to capture my lips with his own, kissing me passionately. After he breaks, he holds my face in his hands, staring into my eyes.

"We don't have to hide anymore." He beams.

"I know," I smile back. "But, honestly, I didn't expect her to react like that."

"Yeah, neither." He shrugs. "Maybe she's drunk?" He jokes.

"Yeah, maybe." I laugh.

He takes my hand in his own again, walking me up the stairs and into his room. It feels weird knowing that B/F/N is in her room down the hall, knowing exactly what we are doing, and not caring, but I'm not complaining. We spend the entire night together, kissing, biting, screaming the other's name in our muffled hands, cuddling, and falling asleep in each other's arms. Knowing that we are going to be okay.


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