Break In

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When the doorbell rang early on Tuesday morning, I thought for sure it was Erland. I shot to the door, his forgotten science notebook in hand, only to find Betsy raising her fist to send another volley of knocks.

"I found it!" She raised a paper triumphantly, and I shot her a puzzled look.

"Let me have a cup of coffee before you jump into anything crazy today," I said, stepping aside to let her pass and going to the kitchen.

She bounced on the balls of her feet, her eyes gleaming with some kind of mischievous plan. "I found the address, Kat."

"Uh-huh." I stifled a yawn as I poured half a mug of cream, then coffee.

She stuck the paper under my chin when I put the mug to my lips. My eyes went to the top of the page—and I choked on coffee. I seized the paper from her hands, grasping wildly for the dishtowel to mop up my mess, but stopped halfway as my tear-blurred eyes scanned the page.

"Dumont Solutions, Inc." And it wasn't far. In Florida. That would be, what, a four-hour drive?

I stared up at my best friend, whose eyes twinkled as she must have realized I finally captured what she was saying. "You aren't seriously thinking—"

"That we're going to pay them a visit? I already packed a bag and everything." She gestured to her oversized book bag in the hallway leading to the foyer. "These people have something to do with what's going on with your grandfather and my—" she snapped her lips shut, freezing momentarily as if she had touched an electric outlet. "And we might as well get it from the source. This isn't the main headquarters, but the East Coast distribution center, so we can get an idea of their dealings going to Alabama—"

"And Pennsylvania," I said, referring to my grandfather. I looked at my friend. "What were you going to say back there? What else is going on, Betsy?"

My mug clinked against the counter, and Betsy flinched as if jolted from a thought. She took a deep breath, then looked at me. "When I went to see Rick in prison.... He was the one that told me about Dumont..."

I nodded encouragingly. I recalled as much in our conversations last week.

"Not referring to the company, Kat. He had an affair with Katie Dumont." Her hand swiped across her face as she brushed away tears. She lifted her palms in the air. "I don't know why I care—I already knew he was unfaithful with Octavia—I guess I just... I don't know..."

She trailed off, sniffling once, wiping her face with her sleeve, and straightened her spine. She was all the picture of strength and tragedy. As hard as this was for me these past few weeks, at least the majority of my family was intact. Betsy was still trying to tear herself apart from the parasite that almost dragged her down to prison with him.

I gulped the rest of my coffee. "Let me get dressed," I said. "I'll tell Matt and Er we're taking an impromptu girls trip."

"Tell me what?"

Betsy and I shared a look after we saw Matthew standing in the doorway, breakfast in hand. He shrugged cluelessly. "What? I was just coming to surprise Kat."

"Your idea. You tell him," I said to Betsy, giving her a firm look as if to tell her to get him as far away from this renegade mission as possible. A lawyer and an illegal hunt for information did not pair well. "I'll call Er." I brushed past Matt, squeezing his arm in reassurance to dispel the apprehension that had crossed his features at my words.

Upstairs, I packed quickly and quietly into a small red rucksack. Dressed in comfortable jeans, a blue blouse, and my hair tied back out of my face, I was ready. I caught my own gaze in the mirror and paused. It was quiet downstairs.

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