Birthday Gift!

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It was a lovely morning in the Sinnoh region. A flock of Starly were flying over Twinleaf Town while a group of Shinx were playing on some rocks. People had already gone for work or, in the case of Y/N, were still fast asleep.

???: Y/N? Are you still asleep? It's your birthday and you should be celebrating it! Come on Y/N wake up please! Y/N!

Y/N: Ah! Calm down Barry! You scared the living Arceus out of me! Wait how did you even get in? I swear I locked the door!

Barry: Oh I just jumped through your window!

Y/N: What!?

Barry: Anyways I have gifted you with my presence for 2 things! One: Happy birthday Y/N! I got your gift here! And two: Professor Rowan just came back from the Kanto Region! I saw it on the news today! Do you know what that means?

Y/N: ...What?


Y/N: Wait really?

Barry: Obviously! Now come on Y/N! We need to head to Sandgem Town pronto before a queue builds up! I'm so excited!

Y/N: Same but please calm down. You go to your house to pack your things and I'll get my stuff here okay?

Barry: Yes my dearest friend!

Y/N looked in their closets, draws, and even under the bed to search for stuff they would need. They got a bag and put loads of stuff in there like toothbrushes and food. It took around an hour to finish packing but once Y/N was done they went ahead to their mother to tell them what they wanted to do. She allowed it and so Y/N knocked on Barry's door to see if he's ready.

Y/N: Barry? You in there?

There was silence.

Y/N: Barry? Are you doing fine?

Again there was silence.

Y/N: Ok that's it! I'm coming in!

Y/N turned the door knob and went inside Barry's house. Barry's house looked small on the outside but seemed much bigger when you enter it. Y/N then went up the wooden stairs that reminded them of their home. As soon as they entered Barry's room, Y/N was in pure shock.

Y/N: What in Jirachi is going on in here!?

Barry: Uh Y/N I can explain!

Y/N: Here let me help you pack. How did you even make this big of a mess?

Barry: I decided to bring all of my clothes with me but they all wouldn't fit so I decided to just put the rest of the clothes on top the bag.

Y/N: You dummy! Anyways we need to head to Sandgem Town fast! Wait how are we going to even get there in the first place? We have no Pokémon so going into the tall grass is practically us begging to get mauled by Starly!

Barry: We'll just sprint through it of course!

Y/N: That sounds like a death wish!

Barry: Well I'm doing it no matter what you say!

With that Barry rushed downstairs and headed outside. Y/N shortly followed the yellow-haired madlad in hopes of convincing him to not practically commit suicide.

Y/N: I don't think you should being doing this Barry!

Y/N said as they were chasing the boy.

Barry: You can't stop me! I run in 3, 2...

Y/N: Barry no!

Barry: 1!

???: Hold it!

A mysterious man in a brownish coat shouted out to Barry. He had white hair along with a brown briefcase. They also had a girl with him who looked to be 15 or so.

 They also had a girl with him who looked to be 15 or so

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Barry: He must really like the colour brown...

Y/N: Well somebody sounds grumpy!

???: What do you think you two are doing out in the tall grass! If even a single Level 2 Starly comes at you you'll be dead before you even know it! Ripped to shreds! Do you guys even have Pokémon!? Please tell me they have at least one Pokémon...

Barry: Well uhhhhhh, ehhhhhh, hmmmmmm, grrrrrrrrr, ummmmm...

Y/N sighed.

Y/N: We don't have Pokémon...sorry?

???: ...Answer this question for me will you? Do you truly love Pokémon?

Y/N: Yeah of course we do!

???: And what about you young boy?

Barry: Uhhhh wellllll hmmmmm grrrrr ehhhhhhh...

Y/N: That's Barrynese for yes.

Prof. Rowan: Very well then! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Prof. Rowan of the Sinnoh region and since you two truly love Pokémon you guys deserve one of your very own. Please select between the Grass Turtle, Turtwig!

 Please select between the Grass Turtle, Turtwig!

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The Fire Ape, Chimchar!

Or the Water Penguin, Piplup!

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Or the Water Penguin, Piplup!

Y/N: Oh I don't know which one to choose! Uh Barry how about you go first?

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Y/N: Oh I don't know which one to choose! Uh Barry how about you go first?

Barry: No way Y/N! It's your birthday today so you should go first!

Y/N: Alright then. I'll choose...

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