The haven

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As the group drove they came across an abandoned city, the boys took turns sharing their ideas about where they could go to find safety and shelter to rest . Eddie suggested they try to find a secure building where they could fortify themselves against the zombies. Mully joked that they should just find a mall and barricade themselves in with all the food and clothing they could need.

Gabby listened to their banter but remained silent for most of the drive until she spoke up, "Have you guys ever heard of a place called The Haven? It's supposed to be a military base where they have made a community of survivors that have banded together to create a safe haven for people like us."

The boys looked at each other skeptically, unsure if such a place could exist but there original plan was to find a military base. So in the midst of chaos and destruction they were thinking about it but not sure still. But Gabby was insistent, telling them she had heard stories of people finding refuge there and starting new lives.

With little other options, the group decided to search for The Haven. They drove through the city, passing by deserted buildings and overturned cars, all while keeping a watchful eye out for any sign of danger.

Finally, after hours of driving, they saw a glimmer of hope in the distance. The Haven was a large gated community surrounded by high walls, guarded by men with guns. The group approached slowly, calling out for someone to let them in.

The gate opened, and the group was welcomed into a new world. They were given a home, food, and a sense of security they hadn't felt since before the outbreak. The boys and Gabby were grateful for each other and their new family at The Haven. Together, they would survive and thrive in this new reality.
So they thought......

The boys VS zombie apocalypse  book one Where stories live. Discover now