Father's Love

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God's Love @2023

Priscilla Boakye
Wattpad Christian writers Readers Club.

God's Love by Priscilla Boakye
Friday evening three friends were packing their backpacks to go camping this weekend on the mountains this weekend at Yellowstone national park in California to enjoy nature and take pictures to show their family and friends.

While they were packing, Nicky said " are you girls excited about going on our first camping trip as roommates?" she told them with so much excitement in her voice.

" Yeah! I'm so happy we are going to spend so much time together in the woods with God's creation and the stars " Marica replied.

" Of course it will be a great experience for all of us who are followers of Jesus Christ our lord' god is responsible for all the beauty of earth and allowed mankind to enjoy his paradise and advice us to multiple the earth be fruitful and take charge of the animals as well " Caroline said to her roommates with a smile on her face.

Nicky replied back" yes , it will be a wonderful experience to enjoy the outdoors for the first time in years" since it's our first camping trip in five years she said to the girls.

So after packing their backpacks they decide to go to bed early to have enough rest for the trip.

Early morning the girls woke up headed to the bathroom one by one to take their showers than right after they finished the girls got dressed picked up their backpacks and camping rushed downstairs locked the doors of the the house and headed to Nicky's truck packed their backpacks into the boot of the truck and all three went inside and headed straight to Yellowstone national park to enjoy themselves and have fun.

While driving Marica saw the scenery it's was breathtaking she saw so many trees and flowers like roses, tulips and sunflowers in the gardens and said " hey guys have you seen the different trees and flowers flowing through the wind while me passing by its so amazing and inspiring she told her friends with a huge grin on her face.

" What do you mean about inspiring? Caroline asked her with concern on her face.

" Well when I was a little girl I saw my grandfather dying in the hospital he was suffering from Brain Cancer "all the treatments and radiation therapy was taking a thous on him physical and mental he couldn't take it anymore so he stop the treatments and radiation therapy right away" because he was so tired and extremely exhausted from the treatments because he realized he wasn't getting better any longer. "

" So he told the doctor to call his family on his decision to die as soon as possible because he wanted to rest to be with the Lord and be happy and at peace. So we all arrived at the hospital as soon as possible and the adults went into his room while us kids stayed in the waiting room waiting for news on grandpa" I was nine at the time when he was in the ICU waiting to die" .

Marica started tearing up and continued with her story.

"While all of the grandchildren were waiting in the patient's room, the adults came out in tears to tell us what happened to grandpa".

My father came out first and told us ," children your grandpa passed away few minutes ago while we were praying for him a bright light came over your grandfather and took him away " but he said tell the grandkids that I will always love them no matter what, I will always be there whenever path they take I will watch all them from heaven " he smiled and floated away in peace.

" Me and my cousins started to cry but Dad took us in his arms and told us "everything will be alright" and month later we had his funeral and he was lay to rest in his grave " I heard a voice and replied" Don't worry my child I will always be there for you no matter what " and I knew it was the voice of god showing his love for the entire family during pain and sorrow"

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