Follow Me

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Boy, are we just like the people in Jesus' day! We say we will follow Jesus, but we put it off with all kinds of excuses! I need to work; my kids are in sports; I'll do it when I'm older. I don't have time right now for you, Jesus, but the day will come when I will have time. Imagine how that works with our earthly relationships! There's an old song called "Cat's in the Cradle" that talks about a father who doesn't have time for his son while the son is growing up and only realizes what he has done when he retires and the son now has no time for him. The good news is that Jesus will always have time for us no matter how long it takes for us to wake up and make room for him in our lives. But think of what we miss! We can miss years, or in some cases, a lifetime, of knowing that Jesus has our back – he will always be there to help and guide us. His grace will be there to keep us from making some pretty terrible mistakes. All we need to do is follow him. In one of the classes we had this spring, the video instructor explained that the "yoke" that Jesus asks us to take for our own, is not a burdensome piece of wood that keeps us tied to the plow, but rather, a point of view. Jesus asks us to view life as he did – working for justice, in communion with one another, always connected to the God who made us. Yes, it can be difficult at times because the world is always pulling us in all directions, but with the grace of God, we can do it. What has happened when you didn't follow Jesus? I know that in my life, that's when I was on my knees begging God to get me out of the mess I made. In the long run, life is actually easier when we give in, let go of the excuses, and just follow Jesus.

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