Chapter 13: Boss Fight

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"If you guys want to fight then so be it...don't blame me for your deaths" AJ says rolling his eyes

"Lets kill him...together" I say stickig up my fist to Mando

"Yeah lets do it" He says as we fist bump

As im scrolling looking for my E-Claw I find

"Hehehehe lets have some fun" I say

"Arragament Hardening" AJ says as his arms turn black

"Get ready" I say

"Shave" AJ says disappearing

"ゴムゴムの 銃弾 ブレット" AJ says and before i could turn around he hits me and it feels like I was hit by a bullet

"Time...Erase" Mando says

Time stops for AJ completely and he was frozen

"Pasty River" Mando says making a spike of Mochi come out the ground and it slams AJ to the ground

"火炎放射器" AJ says as his greatsword is engulfed in flames

"3 Sword Style...Foxfire Style...Flame-Rend" I say as AJ shoots the Flames at me I slice it in half

"JAY MOVE" Mando yells

"Die you incompetent fool" AJ says charging at me about to cut me in half

"Mochi Barrage" Mando says making arms of dough and catching AJ before he hit me

"Now...this is gonna be fun" I said powering up Shadowzone

Mando jumps backwards and I go for AJ.

"ULTIMATE BREAK" I yell as I punch AJ

"Arragament Hardening" HE says just as I hit him

AJ was still standing in the exact same spot. Not bruised or anything.

"Those weak attacks wont work on me" He says as he puts his sword away

"What how didnt that work" I say completely confused

"ガムガムガトリング" AJ then says as He starts punchig me at least 100 times in the span of 20 seconds

I cough up blood and drop to my knees. Mando looks at me and his anger boils.

"You just messed up" He says...He turns into his leopard

"Flame...Enbodiment" He says and his LEo form is covered in black flames and above his health bar I seen that he had been givin 3 buffs

"Shave" AJ says appearing behind Mando

"Destructo Lightning" Mando says shooting purple lightning from his hands and hitting AJ

"Now...your worthy of destruction" AJ says putting one hand on the ground and one on his leg
"セカンドギア" AJ says as smoke covers his body and there was a serious look in his face

"Flame Shoto" Mando says shooting a minigun of smal flame shots

"I'm right here" AJ says from behind MAndo

"Roasted Mochi" Mando says shooting a rocket of roasted Mochi from his arm

"ガムガムジェットホイップ" AJ says teleporting above mando and he slams his foot to the ground so Fast MAndo couldnt dodge

"E-Whip" I say grabbing AJ with my whip of electricity

I slam AJ on my left then my right. I swing him in circles and then slam him to the ground.

"ガムガムジェットバズーカ" AJ says hitting me with both hands and im sent flying backwards into some rocks and i hear a crack in my back

"Thats gonna hurt in the morning" I groan transforming into my Ultimate Dinosaur form

My eyes flicker from purple and neon blue...I hear voices in my head. I didnt mind them now...I didnt know what they really meant.

"OMEGA...BLAST" I yell and a beam on energy leaves my body

As its beaming straight down on AJ...he stands up and grabs my jaw and slams it shut. I roar in pain and revert to my normal form

"ガムガムレッドホーク" AJ says as his fist is covered in flames and he punches me harder than ever before

I once again drop to my knees and cough blood. Mando was still in the crater unable to move due to using his powers WAY over his limit.

"これで君は終わりだ...機会があれば私と一緒にいればよかったのに" AJ says

"NO" I hear a voice yell

"Finger Pistol" AJ says putting 3 holes in my body

"GLACIAL IMPACT" I hear kamil yell as AJ is hit with spiky pieces of Ice and is sent flying backwards

"Ugh this is irritating" AJ says

"ガムガムジェットホイップ" AJ says about to do the same move to KAmil that he did to Mando

"KAMIL...MOVE" I say

"Flaming...Vortex" She says as she makes a flaming tornado surround her stopping AJ from hitting her

"Hot...Hot...Hot...Hot...HOT" AJ says trying to stop the fire from flaming him completely

"Hell's Core" Kamil says jumping and holding her hand up as a ball of fire starts forming and growing

"Woah..." I say

"Now die" She says releasing the fire ball on top of AJ and theres a Giant explostion

"Frozen Prision" She says trapping AJ in a block of ice

"Woah...Kamil...That...was awesome" I say standing up and holding my side

"I learn from the best" She says

"Come lets help get Mando back to camp, he put up a whole fight and went over his limit at the same time" I say

"What about you?" Kamil asks noting the 3 holes in my chest

"I'll be fine" I say

"Well you better hold on tight" She says

I grab onto her shirt and hoist Mando over my shoulder

"Ice Skate" She says and she starts ice skating on land

We reach base after dropping AJ off in the Winter biome. Everyone was worried..esspecially Bayley she wouldnt leave Mandos side till he could move again. Maya would usually check on me every 10 mins. Asia was actually around a whole lot more than she usually would be.

"I didnt even have a chance to use my real power" I say

I continue hearing the voices in my head...The message they were conveying made sense to me. I wanted to do what was right...and I wanted to get my friends home safe...but I wouldnt let anyone get in my way.

So...I decided to listen to the proposition they were proposing...

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