2 - A Proposition

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⤷ 🧁 ----- CH. TWO

DARCY BIT INTO A BROWNIE as she leaned against the bakery's front counter

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DARCY BIT INTO A BROWNIE as she leaned against the bakery's front counter. Pecan praline, a Baked With Love classic.

"See, this is delicious," she said. "I'd go as far as saying it's perfect, one of your best recipes."

Kate, who had been combining trays of baked goods in preparation for closing, glanced over at her friend. "But?"

Darcy had always been blunt. Even in high school when they had met (Darcy a senior and Kate a sophomore), the older girl stopped her in the hallway to tell her that her scarf washed her out (but not without also offering her a better accessory in exchange). Her candor was a quality Kate appreciated most of the time and was quite used to, which was also why she knew the girl had something to say.

"Not a 'but,' a 'so,'" Darcy corrected before continuing. "As in so what happened? All your usual stuff is great, but nothing new you've tried to make has tasted better than dog water."

Kate scoffed, wiping the display. "Dog water's a bit much. Dog kibble I might accept."

Darcy stuffed the rest of the brownie into her mouth, chewing heartily. "You know what would do you good?"

"A break?" She answered, echoing Evan's sentiments from earlier that morning.

"No. You need a fresh set of eyes, or in this case, a fresh . . . mouth? Teeth. Taste buds! No? You don't agree?"

Kate supposed it was an option, but her face scrunched in confusion when she realized, "Didn't you say you had a shoot today?"

Darcy's eyes darted to the clock, and she cursed, scrambling to gather her things. "Shit. Shit, shit! Amara's going to kill me! Thanks babes, I'll see you later."

But before she left, she hurriedly called out, "Post a sign outside the shop. Get someone with a sensitive palate."

The door closed with a jangle behind her, and Kate resumed cleaning.

A helping hand, huh. It didn't sound too bad.

As stubborn as she was and hated to admit he was right, Evan's mention of burn out hadn't left her mind all day. And Darcy was always looking out for her. Testing new recipes wasn't getting any easier. Maybe the solution was a new set of . . . taste buds.

But her thoughts came to a pause when the overhead bells sounded again with the door opening.

"Welcome to Baked With . . . Love."

𝗧𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗘 𝗢𝗙 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘  ⤷  JAMIE TARTTWhere stories live. Discover now