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welcome (:

TW: none
word count: 2,189


"I hope you have a great day today, bug. You know you can call or text me if anyone sucks and I'll be right down there to kick someone's ass." Julia Bishop shot her award-winning smile to her daughter as she handed over her olive green water bottle.

Georgia Bishop giggled as she took possession of her bottle back and smiled sweetly to her mom, "I know, mom. But that would be embarrassing, so we will not be doing that." She opened her car door carefully and stepped out of the passenger side onto the sidewalk of Sherman Oaks High School. "If I don't meet anyone cool by lunch, I'll just hang out in the library for today." Georgia pulled one of her backpack straps up onto her left shoulder and untucked her hair from it.

"Now that's just sad, sweetheart" her mom pouted dramatically. "Just say hi to someone, you know everyone loves you once they get to know you."

"I'll try," Georgia promised her mother. "Have a good day at work, okay? You know you can call or text me if anyone sucks and I'll be right down there to kick someone's ass," she mused.

Julia rolled her eyes at her daughter's mockery. "Oh please, you couldn't hurt a fly, you'd feel too darn bad." Julia studied her first born's nerves as she watched her fidget her hands. "Now go, you'll feel better once you find your class.'

Georgia exhaled and smiled, "Okay, I love you!"

"Love you too, baby!" Julia rolled her car away from the curb as she blew a kiss through the window to her daughter.

The auburn haired girl turned and looked at the entrance of her new school. Taking a deep breath, she whispered to herself, "Just say hi to someone".


After situating her things in her locker, Georgia found her first class of the day - Facing History. Which she had learned was mostly made up of sophomores, but her previous school was apparently behind on their curriculum. Or at least that's what the school counselor told her mother. Georgia previously attended a creative arts school in Sacramento. While it was technically a charter school, she swore it had worse funding than that of a regular public high school. She could tell that Sherman Oaks had a much higher budget already.

As she stepped into her class, she noticed that no one else was in there. While it felt slightly lame to be the first one there, it also comforted her that she could choose where she would sit without any pressure. Her soft brown eyes skimmed over the room before her feet started moving towards a seat in the middle left of the classroom. As she started pulling her notebook and a pen out of her backpack, other students began filing in, and it wasn't long before class began.

"Good morning, you young, brilliant minds," her first teacher of the day, Mr. Shapiro, greeted them cheerfully. "Welcome to Facing History... and ourselves."

Mr. Shapiro seemed nice to Georgia. And odd. And maybe even a bit tone deaf as he pointedly discussed topics they would be covering this year. Her brow was furrowed and her pen was resting against her lips as he looked directly at certain students while naming topics.

Her eyes were ultimately pulled away as the door opened and a boy walked in. He had dark curls on his head with the sharpest jawline she had ever seen. There was no denying he was one of the most handsome boys she had ever personally encountered. Her thoughts were disrupted as a girl sitting a seat ahead in the row next to her let out a clear, "Damn".

Georgia laughed slightly to herself at the girl's outburst and the boy who had entered took the open seat next to her. She looked to her right at him and accidentally made direct eye contact. Immediately embarrassed, she felt the urge to pretend she wasn't looking. But she knew she had been caught, and instead settled for a soft smile to acknowledge him. He returned it.

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