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It's been two weeks, and Aelia feels weird. She just can't shrug the feeling of someone watching her. It has been happening since she arrived at the academy but this past few weeks it's happening more often.

Aelia can't do anything about it though, she just wish whoever that is, won't attack her.

Feeling a buzz from her RWD, aelia fetched it from her pocket and checked the notification.

IZEL VALENTIN would like to send you a message.

Accept or Decline

Izel? Isn't this Kali's Ex?

"If ever Izel approach you or send you a message. Just ignore her or walk away." Aelia remembered what Kali told her.

She pressed decline, this was actually the third time she receives a notification from her Friends Ex, She don't know what the latter want from her.

After declining the notification, Aelia continued to make her way to the library since it's her original destination.

Another notification came

IZEL VALENTIN would like to send you a message.

Accept or Decline

"Damn! She's really persistent." She whispered.

"Who's very persistent?" Aelia heard from behind her, turning around she saw Henry, smiling at her.

"Henry! Hey. Haven't seen you in a while." She greeted returning a smile to her senior.
She failed to notice that when she got a little startled by henry suddenly popping out of nowhere, she accidentally pressed the accept button on her RWD.

"Yeah, How's everything going?" Henry asked then started walking with Aelia following beside him.

"Good so far."

"No troubles?"

"None, Luckily." Aelia laughed arriving at the library, Henry opened the door for her and she thanked him.

Aelia walked towards an empty seat, taking out her book and sitting down, while henry picked something up from the long row of shelves.

Checking her RWD, Aelia was surprised by what she saw.

IZEL VALENTIN is challenging you for a duel.

Accept or decline

"Hey, everything okay?" Henry asked sitting down in front of Aelia.

Aelia did not respond, pondering about the notification.

"What's that? Is someone bothering you?" Henry asked again concerned, Aelia's face looked so bothered while staring at her RWD so he figured out she received a message of something, When aelia still did not respond, He took out his own RWD, Checking if there is an announcement or anything.

There's none.

"Aelia, hey" He called again that's when Aelia looked at him.
"What's up? Is everything okay?"

Aelia did not speak, but turned her phone to let it face Henry.

Figuring out what's happening, Henry chuckled.

"Oh, it's your first time receiving a Duel invite?"

Aelia nod.

"It's okay. If you're not yet ready then don't accept." He simply said.

"What will happen if I accept it?" Aelia asked a little curious.

"Well, once you pressed accept it will just ask you how many points you are willing to bet. It's basically just gambling with your points." He explained
"Students who get challenged for a duel will be the one to decide how many points to bet."

A Z R I E L (A Freenbecky Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now