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Love is a spiritual thing. Every religion teaches us to know & love our soul. We try to make our soul pure. We relate love with soul and not bodies.

Then, why do bodies come between the love of two soul? Why do the religion, traditions and caste affect love? All these barriers are for bodies not for soul. Even for bodies they are useless, as we all are the creation of the great Almighty who never differentiated its creations by any such bondage.

Our soul is a free bird which can never be trapped. When a soul loves other soul, its the most beautiful part of this nature. The soul loves the other soul with complete dedication & surrender. It never feels any barriers or difference between each other. Why do we give an illegitimate try to stop the pure and eternal soul from loving other in name of caste and religion? Love knows no caste. Love is the biggest religion on this earth. Love is the only eternal thing which will always exists even when these so called barriers and its followers are not there.

We try to stop the soul from performing its spiritual deed & we even get happy and celebrate our victory that we succeeded. But we never understand that if we can't force our soul to love someone, how can we even think of stopping it. The one we stop is just the outer body. The soul never reduces its rays of love. Infact, they become more strong in such situations. That's the power of true love.

Feel it..enjoy it..


Dedicated to AnaSavana4

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