Marriage- the most beautiful relation between two soul. A bond where two persons express love, care, affection & dedication to each other. Two different person tie a knot with one another & merge their individual lives to start a new life together.
Sounds cool and systematic..
But, is it so? Is marriage really the most precious relationship? Well, everyone says so. But do we really share love & happiness willingly?
If it is so.. then why do we need contracts and legal certificates for sustaining a marriage? Why are we required to name it? To show the society?Marriage is just a fundamental social institution present in human society.
Undoubtedly, love & dedication doesn't survive where there are systems, contracts and obligations. Love is the most free & independent feeling of our heart. There can't be any bondage or compulsions where love exists..Love needs no certificate and no social acceptance. It just need the acceptance of two souls. So, the most beautiful relationship is the feeling of love, which can't be named. In fact we should not even try to name naming is just a formality and love needs no formalities.
Love survives on Ehsaas- realization. When our heart & soul realizes and feels something special with & for someone, it is love. And it is marriage in true sense, without any declaration or proof. And it surely is the most wonderful relation of two souls, which makes us Soulmates; not husband and wife.
Love makes us one..there is no place for 'and'.
Dedicated to netii_bellaWhat's true marriage for you??
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