Chapter 12

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Monday morning, a day Y/n hates waking up to. For her alarm is never ending. The room is still bathed in a soft glow of dawn as Y/n sits up and stretches to turn the horrid noise off. Y/n's mind begins to shift gears as she remembers all of what happened.

Asher's apology. A sudden shift in her feelings. What really prioritized over those was Tristan and the "hangout" they'll be having on Saturday. With a deep breath, she decided to just focus on getting ready.

After freshening up, she headed downstairs to be greeted by the scent of freshly brewed coffee and a wholesome breakfast made by the head maid. "Good morning, Is my mom not here today?" She smiled and asked.

"Ah, no ma'am. She's at work."

'I see' she thought. She was wondering where she actually was because Y/n knew her mothers entire work schedule. In reality, her mother has been coming home quite later or just never coming home at all. She wonders why.


Upon arriving school, the first face she saw was Genie. A smile grows upon her face as she makes her way towards her. "Genie! I have so much to tell you. Where should I even begin!?" She exclaimed as she grabbed her shoulders and began to shake her out of distress.

"W-woah! Alright stop shaking me and then you can tell me!"

"Wait before that, how many minutes until class?"

"Um around 10?"

"Oh that's barely enough!!...but I can make use of it, I'll tell you part of what happened." She said as she locks her arms with Genie and roamed around campus.

She began to tell her about Asher and how she felt really bad that he was the one who had apologized instead of her. She also told her that they're on good terms now.

"Wait...what?" Genie said shockingly as if she knew of something else.

"Is that bad? He was being pretty sincere and we even kissed.." She said looking over to genie confused.

"No, it's just-" before she could continue the first bell had rang signifying that they had 2 mins to get to their class. "Uh oh, you can tell me later! For now we have to go! Bye genie love you!" Y/n exclaimed before hurrying to go to class.

Though the conversation lasted short, Genie was feeling unsure about Asher. Sure she's never met him before but, she's heard stuff about him and from him around the halls.

She looks over to Y/n's back, the distance getting longer. 'I hope he isn't the guy I think he is, Y/n.' She thought.

As soon as Y/n got to class, everyone seemed to be looking at her with...disgust? But maybe she's just overreacting.

As she sat down, she started hearing various whispers but one really caught her attention. One she would've never expected.

"I heard her mother was a slut."

She immediately turned over to the one who said the statement. She stood up and went to confront her. "Who are you to be talking about my mother? She's not a slut!" Y/n exclaimed getting very defensive.

"How is she not? I mean, is this how you've been getting good grades?" The girl scoffed.

"What are you even talking about? I get good grades because I study and listen intensively. Clearly you're not one to get high marks."

"Are you dumb? Your own mother has been hooking up with one of the teachers here. Hmm...was it Mr. Davis or Mr. Smith? Your mother should have some sense knocked into her. She's married, isn't she?" She started laughing along with the other girls in the group.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐝 [𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏 𝑫𝒖𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒚]Where stories live. Discover now