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      The four of you arrived together at the grand hall where your prom was being held, and many of your other classmates already stood taking pictures. Inside, it looked like you had driven right into the 90's: there were CDs strung together that hung from the ceiling over the drink table, which itself was covered in punch bowls and paper cups that had teal and purple zig-zags designs. There was even a disco ball hanging above the center of the room. A lot of girls had complex hairstyles held in place by tiny, transparent butterfly clips, and some of the guys had gone as far as doing their hair in blond-tipped spikes. The music playing consisted of NSYNC*, Britney Spears, TLC, and others like them.

   "I feel like I'm in a corny sitcom," Evan leaned close and tried to be louder than the music. Dante and Marina were already confidently on the dance floor; you were thankful your boyfriend was just as reserved as you were.

   "Yeah," you replied with a nervous smile.

   He side-eyed you for a second, and you knew you weren't doing the best job of not letting him see you were anxious. You managed a slightly reassuring smile, and his arm that was snaked around your waist pulled you a little closer. Brooks spotted you guys from across the room and waved with an off-putting grin while some girl had her backside pressed to him. Evan offered a tiny, unamused wave back and looked quickly away. In the past year they'd grown further and further apart as the other boy's reputation got worse. You wondered if he was dating that girl he was latched onto, then let your anxious thoughts go further, wondering how many girls in here tonight were much more willing than you were: bolder, more secure.

   "Hey, you okay?" Evan shifted to stand in front of you, taking both of your hands in his. "You seem on edge."

   You searched for a good excuse, "Yeah, yeah. I just... maybe I'm just hungry?"

   "Hell yeah," relief was all over his face. "Let's get some of those wings before everyone puts their gross fingers on all of them."

   You complied, letting him lead you to the table across the floor where the food sat. You walked through an invisible cloud of heavy perfume that attempted to cover all the teenage BO, collected a few wings for the two of you to share, and made your way back to a round table in the corner of the room. Evan dug in, while you took only a couple bites and set the chicken back down. You couldn't explain it, but he had a look in his eye that was almost... expectant. Hopeful, at the very least. What did he anticipate at the end of this night? You swallowed hard, but you were getting better at hiding how uneasy you felt.

   Suddenly, after an upbeat song faded out slowly, the DJ's voice filled the room after a microphone screech.
"Ok y'all: everybody wipe that wing sauce off your fingers and find your dates 'cause I'm gonna slooow things down here in a minute, with a request from 1992."

   Couples like you and Evan who also sat timidly at tables rose all around the room, the guys leading their dates to the middle of the floor as the other more boisterous couples made their ways to seats. When you finally looked back in front of yourself instead of all around, Evan stood with his hand out as well.

   "Really?" you asked, a charmed smile spreading over your face.

   "Really really," he helped you up, a look of calm reverence in his eyes, and led you to where the group had formed.

   You got into position, his hands on your waist and yours clasped behind his neck. He was about 4 inches taller than you-- especially since you'd already kicked your shoes off; your dress was long enough that nobody could tell. You got a good smell of his new cologne, it was a perfect blend of pleasant and intoxicating without being overpowering. Piano notes rang out from the sound system, the beginning of a familiar slow song: Save The Best For Last by Vanessa Williams. You smiled the best you could while biting your bottom lip, and Evan mirrored you.
   The atmosphere, the gentle melody, the way you two swayed perfectly together, and his angelic lips repeatedly pressing to yours was enough to push any worried thoughts from your mind. You were so elated you could've floated away, you were sure of it.

   "Are you having a good time?" Evan inquired.

   "Yes, definitely," you said. It was true for the most part. "Are you?"

   "Are you kidding?" he faintly raised his brows. "I've got the prettiest girl here, in my arms, smiling up at me." you blushed, and he added, "And those wings weren't half bad either."

   You blew air from your nose in a suppressed laugh, "Yeah, they were pretty good."

   "Babe, come on," he spoke a little quieter. "What's wrong? I can tell something's off. You've been messing with your necklace all night."


   "You always do that when you're anxious," he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "I gave you that locket with my picture hoping maybe it'd help when you go to mess with it, but, well maybe that's a little narcissistic, I--"

   "It's not," you cut in. Your heart swelled at how well he knew you, how he was able to pick up on such a small detail. "I didn't think of it that way; I think it will help from now on."

   "Good," some tension left his shoulders. "So... what is it?"

   You hesitated, and began imagining a dozen different ways this could play out if you just came right out and said it. His pleading eyes convinced you soon enough that you could trust him not to overreact.

   "Well... Raelynn said something earlier that I'm kind of worried about."

   "Raelynn? What was it?"

   "Well you know... like..." you struggled for words as the song hit the bridge. "Just stuff that typically happens after prom."

   His brows furrowed, and he sucked his bottom lip for a second before realization dawned on him. You pressed your own lips into a line.

   "Y/N," he said flatly. "Tell me you don't think I'd force you into that."

   "No, not force," your eyes instantly watered, and shame was all over your face. "Just, I don't know, expect? It's not like you don't deserve it, you do, i-it's me I swear--"

   He shut you up with a long, deep kiss, and when he pulled away he said, "I... have so much love for you. Sex isn't something I can earn or 'deserve'. Of course I want to, but only when you're ready. I'd feel like shit if you only did it out of pity."

   You blinked your tears away, letting his words settle in.

   "So please," he brushed a wet stream from your cheek. "Don't even worry about that, okay? We can just grab Taco Bell with Dante and Marina after."

   You had a lump in your throat, but in a good way. It was such an incredibly relieving, validating feeling.

   "I love you too," you murmured, and rested your cheek on his right shoulder. He kissed the top of your head.

   With just a few simple words Evan had obliterated all the pressure an anxiety you'd assigned to tonight. You kissed him again, and he gladly let you. The song came to an end, and another one came on that was fast-paced, summoning all the sitting couples that had been dancing before. At the end of the night, as promised, Evan asked Dante and Marina if they wanted to join you two in your Uber to Taco Bell. She answered for both of them, rejecting you guys and making bedroom eyes at Dante. He wore an ecstatic expression as she pulled him from the hall, one spaghetti strap already falling from her shoulder.
   You and Evan exchanged amused glances, then headed out alone to order the unhealthiest fast food we could. There were no expectations except that you share your frozen Baja Blast with him.

Best For Last || Evan Peters AUWhere stories live. Discover now