Chapter 1

610 23 16

12:39 pm
Chuuya nakahara was called into his bosses office to be informed about a new mission he would have to do with someone from the Ada and what other kind of mission would it be other than an infiltration mission with someone who he has fought countless times I mean it had only been a few months since the truce started and they're already sending us out on infiltration missions, that's so unfair! But whatever it's bosses order, so he took the file with supposedly all the information he needed. He was told to keep his phone on and that was it. He started packing and He had two days to be up and gone from yokahoma

Ranpo edogawa was called into the presidents office he had to do an infiltration mission with someone from the port mafia. It was very vague, but something about the traitor they had to find out who the traitor is and finish the school year or maybe two, but they couldn't leave as soon as they found out they had to babysit the class, class 1a to be exact yokahoma would be in trouble if the heroes found the traitor before them and he had to start packing today and go out in two days.

Ranpo and chuuya are sent on a mission from their bosses it's quite an easy mission it's an infiltration mission to find the traitor in U.A high and bring them in for investigation without being caught by any of the teachers or the principal

"——ey hey wake up"
"What's happening- why are you in my house!"
"Alright let me explain we have to go into"" yeah yeah I know boss told me"
And that's how the two 15 year olds ended up in a train station. It was very early in the morning it was a bad start because it was so early but that's fine and after talking to ranpo for a while, chuuya has found out that ranpo doesn't know how to take the train and chuuya is not a morning person, and was very groggy till they finally sat down and started talking
"Alright can you tell me what the actual fuck is going on?"
"It really doesn't take a genius to figure out- wait a minute..."
"boss never sent me an address or where to go after we make it into the city Ughh I feel stupid for not asking about it sooner"
"What and also where are your glasses I thought you needed them to activate your ability?"
"Don't tell anyone I said this because I would never admit it but.... I don't... have an ability"
"Yeah sure cool tell me this now and act like it's nothing cool"
"Alright let me finish we are stuck in this city until we can figure out the traitor we have to get into U.A without seeming suspicious "
"Ok wow slow down what's the objective we also need a place to live, food and water where are we going to stay and how long do we need to stay here why was this stuff not written in the sheet boss gave me the"
And suddenly a notification was sent on ranpos phone it was also unbelievably loud
"what the?.... It's an address"
" is this the way boss is trying to help cause it's not really all that helpful where does this even lead to I don't know the address this place is not at all like yokahoma from what I've heard, it's so crowded and lights are coming from everywhere "
"Dude just ask for directions later"
"Yeah whatever"

Time skip

They both finally boarded the train and started asking people for directions making cheap excuses to why they need directions for a place so known They followed the directions a kind lady gave them and met with a cheap looking apartment building
"Really boss?"
"Oh look I found the keys,keys and a lollipop!"
They get into the apartment and it's not all that bad 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms connected to the bedrooms a small kitchen and a living room it's good enough to live in for a while and after some searching they had found a safe with money in it and their closet's already had clothes in them that actually fit after settling down they sat on the couch
" alright what's the objective?"
"Simple really we have to become heroes that is something tricky we have to pass exams and do something I guess? Time is going to pass faster the exams star in July it's currently June so a month and I don't think you need a tutor your almost an executive for goodness sake so we just lay around until July!"
"Can you tutor me.... I never went to school let alone high school so.."
"Your face is unbelievable it's so red"
"HAAGH SHUT UP FOUR EYES. I'm going to the store need anything?"
While in the store Chuuya bought himself extra gloves

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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