Lost In Reality

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Ashton had spent the night and most of the next day in the room alone. He could hear drilling and hammering outside the door but had no idea what was was going on. Calum came in a few times to feed him throughout the day but besides that he did not have any idea what was going on. He drifted off to sleep for a little nap, as he hadn't slept much the night before. The boy was awoken to the sound of the door clicking open, he had trained himself for decades to wake up at the sound of his bedroom door being opened. He opened his eyes immediately to asses the situation, his arm was still locked to the bed, and Luna sleeping close against his chest. He could feel his hand getting pins and needles in the position that it was. He shifted in the bed so that he was alert and ready for whoever or whatever was going to walk through that door.
The dirty blonde boss walked into the room, with a cocky look on his face. "Hello Ashton." He greeted and stood in front of the bed looking down at Ashton.
"Hi." Ash responded in a sheepish tone.
"Your family has already contacted police about you being missing. Your face is all over the news. But my source on the inside at the police say they aren't really doing much to find you. Apparently you are the boy who cried wolf before so they don't want to give all their resources." He stated, crossing his arms, waiting for an explanation.
Ashton had ran away from home before but his fathers private security found him. And he had reported what happened in his home to the police and they didn't believe him. His father had been hitting him for years and no one did anything. So why would the police care now? And his father only wanted him back so he wouldn't go around telling people what an awful person his father actually was... not that people believed Ashton but his father didn't want the headache.
"So.. what? That means no ransom?" Ashton questioned, wondering what his response was supposed to be to that.
"Well no. No ransom, not that we intended to let you go so it would have been pointless to begin with." Ashton knew that was a lie, since Ariana had confirmed differently, but Ash didn't dare to bring that up.

"So you are just going to keep me here in this little room forever?" He snapped, hating being the 'safe room' already.
"No." The boss shook his head. "I really don't want you snooping around in here. So you will not be kept in here. We are securing the basement so you will be able to roam in the basement. And you will have to sleep in one of our rooms for now until we figure out something more permeant." The man said, sitting down on the bed beside Ashton.
Permeant.. Ashton didn't like the sound of that. It meant that his stay was going to be longer than he had hoped. The blonde male pulled something out of his pocket and moved across Ashton. Which caused the boy to flinch, trying to inch away from him.
"Relax kid. I am not going to hurt you." He spoke, their chests pressed together as the Boss undid the handcuff, but he didn't back up yet, his face expression shifted to something more serious. "Unless you try something stupid like you did this afternoon. Never run away again." He said looking him dead in the eyes. This was enough for Ashton to nod and instantly agree to not do that again. He couldn't help but notice how their chests felt pressed up against each other. Ashton, found himself wondering what it would feel like if they both didn't have shirts on. He again, tried to shake off the horny thoughts he keeps having about three of his captors. The other male finally was satisfied with his answer and pulled away.
"I think we should establish some rules here. We don't like that we had to kidnap you any better than you like being here. So we don't want to hurt you, but we also need to protect our own. I will not hesitate punishing you if you step out of line. With that being said, if anyone hurts or touches you, you come to me and I will take care of it instantly. Though I trust all my guys not to hurt you." The Boss explained. Ashton wondered why he cared if anyone touched him, he guessed he just felt guilty about kidnaping him.
"What does "out of line" mean?" Ashton questioned wanting to be clear on his place in the gangs home.
"No hitting or hurting anyone. Do not go into rooms you don't have clearance for. No answering the phone or touching the phone, or computer. We have most of them upstairs but just in case, do not touch if you see one. At night you will be restrained for peace of mind until further notice, and you will not even try to escape... not that you could. Lastly, if I tell you to do something, you do it, I am not messing around Ashton." The boss spoke simply expecting him to follow orders.
"Yes.." he didn't know how to address him, so he settled on "..sir." Ashton spoke, this seemed to appease the boss, as he grinned.

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