A New Crew

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Hello people, I hope you enjoy the story.. not 100% if this will follow the exact events in MW2, But we'll see, I'm going to try and upload as much as I can.. and so you know there will be a lot of drama. But lollsss Havoc is going to be a total badass. If you have suggestions dont be shy to comment. anyway enjoy. -C


I jumped off the helicopter coming back from a mission in Russia, Me and the boys just spent the last week in freezing cold conditions, and now we had 48 hours to clean up and sleep. We all looked and felt like fucking zombies. The smell of blood was thick in the air. "Hey Havoc, you going to get food?" Pyro yelled. Pyro was my closest and first friend I made when I joined the squad. "No Pyro, dude do you just have food on the brain twenty four seven, I'm going to fucking shower. And then I'm going the fuck to sleep. You should do the same we are going back out in 48 hours man." I told him. He grabbed his heart in jest. "Ah man, you really are cold, you hurt my feelings. I'm just hungry." He said. I just stared at him. "You're always hungry anyone would think you were being starved." I laughed at him. "Whatever you witch, I'll see you later." Pyro patted my shoulder and walked towards the mess hall. I continued walking towards the barracks. Man a hot shower, the thought is enough to make me drool. Before I got any further. The commander walked up to me. "Hey Havoc, after you've cleaned up, you mind coming into my office? Just for a quick chat." He said seriously. Was I in trouble, I hadn't done anything wrong had I? He must've seen the panic on my face. "Relax, you haven't done anything wrong I've got some good news actually." He reassured. I released a breath. "Ok sir, I'll be by in an hour." I had told him and headed to shower.

Like I'd said, an hour later I was knocking on the door of the commands office. "Come in, ah havoc, take a seat please." He called out. I did as I was told and took a seat oposite him. "Right you're not going back to Russia. Your leaving this task force." He smiled. My face and heart dropped. "What? Why?" I asked. "Because we are transferring you to a different task force, what do you know about Task force 141." He smirked. 141, it didn't ring a bell. "I have never heard of them... Do I have a choice whether I leave or stay?" I asked, my thoughts going to Pyro and all my friends here. "No, your skills are needed with 141, I believe you are better suited for them, Not that you won't be missed here obviously but you are needed elsewhere and its time to move forward." He replied calmly. I sat in silence for a moment, I'm leaving everyone behind, all that work I'd put in to making friends and getting comfortable somewhere, for it to be thrown away and only after a year. Pyro, my poor Pyro. "When do I leave sir?" I asked after some time. "In the morning, about 4am before everyone heads out to Russia, you'll be able to say your goodbyes tonight." Commander answered. Fuck, tomorrow morning theres not enough time. I took a deep breath, suddenly feeling quite sick. "Is that all sir?" I blurted out. He looked at me wide eyed. "Uh yes, make sure your on that helicopter tomorrow at 4, and Caitlin for god sake dont get yourself killed." He said, I stared at him in shock for using my real name, and sincerity of the meaning behind it. "Yes sir." I said before running out of the room to the nearest toilet. I was sick. The anxiety taking over.

I stood, leaving the bathroom, as I walked out the door I slammed into a body. "Ow." Is the only noise my mouth made. "Oh Havoc, you look like shit." Harvey said, another one of my best friends, pyro's brother. "Yeah well you would to if you just spent half an hour emptying the contents of your stomach Harvs." I said coldly. "Shit you ill?" He asked. "No... anxiety again. Listen where's Pyro, I need to talk to you both." I asked. He looked at me and laughed. "Where do you think he is?" "He's STILL eating???" I yelled. Harvs just nodded his head. "Right come with me." I said. "Oh well I was just-" "Harvey this is really serious please." I interrupted him, he looked at me and then followed me. We'd found Pyro stuffing his damn face. "Pyro can I have word please?" I said as I stood next to him with Harv. Pyro looked up at me confused. And slightly scared. "Yeah sure." We both sat down. And I put my hands on my chin, my leg was bouncing from the anxiety. "Ok Havoc you're scaring me what is going on?" Harv's asked with concern lacing his voice. "Um so, the commander pulled me into his office and well I'm leaving." I said almost in a whisper. "Your what!!?" Pyro yelled. "Shhh, Jesus Christ." I said. "What did you do?" Harvs asked. My head whipped round to face him. "Why do you always assume I did something wrong?" I asked. "Because you're always in trouble." Pyro answered for Harvs. "I did not do anything wrong, he's transferred me to a different task force, apparently it's 141?" I replied. Both of their mouths hung wide opened. "Havoc you're going to 141?! Holy shit." Pyro spoke. "Yeah its fucking annoying I've only just settled in here properly, and I'm scared to meet new people." I said looking down at my hands. Harvs put his hand on my shoulder, I looked up at him. "Hey Havoc, listen to me, you're going to have to be brave, I know it's scary but it's just like when you came here at first, its a new start, it's exciting and you're going to do amazing." He said. "Yeah but what if they dont like me or their horrible?" I whispered. "Caitlin, I've heard all good things about 141, plus you're scary enough just show them you're not to be fucked with, do your job and you'll be fine." Pyro said. "Thanks boys, I'm going to miss you so so much." I smiled at them. "We'll miss you too. We love you." Harvs said. "When do you leave?" Pyro asked. "Very very early in the morning." I answered sadly. Both their faces dropped again. "Well then, thats very soon. Looks like we're going to have to have some fun tonight then." Pyro said. I smiled at him.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm buzzing, for god sake 3.30am. I hate the early hours that this job expects of me. Luckily I didn't have much to do before getting on the helicopter. The boys helped me pack last night. God I'm going to miss them, after they'd left my room last night, I'd spent a few hours writing a letter to the pair. As I got my gear ready, I put everything on, and went to walk out of my room, taking one last look before heading to the air field. I jumped onto the helicopter, preparing for a new start, new people, scary shit.

A few hours later and we were beginning to land, I took a deep breath and remembered what the boys said, "be brave and dont let them give you shit", so I pushed down any nerves or anxiety and put those cold strong walls up, just like I do on the battlefield. Becoming that cold hearted person I was known for. When I jumped out the helicopter I was greeted by a man in a bucket hat. "I'm guessing you're Havoc?" He asked. "Yes sir." I replied bluntly. "Pleasure to meet you, welcome to 141, I'm captain Price, the leader of 141. You'll meet the rest of the lads in a bit, for now I'll show you to your room and you can get some rest, and get settled. Does that sound ok to you?" Price had told me. "Yes sir." I repeated like before. And off we went to my new room. 

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