Al Mazrah

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Havoc's POV

"Lets go people." Soap yelled. I dragged my arse out of my room with all of my gear. Walking behind Soap. And Ghost towards the helicopter. Stuck in my thoughts, thinking through all of the possibilities, this was my first mission with these two, I didn't know how they fought, their tactics, and they didn't know mine, I was in the dark. I was anxious, but ready for the adrenaline that you get in the war zone. I was ready for this but it didn't stop the anxiety. I then felt myself make direct contact with something solid. Looking up, taking a step back I realised I collided with Ghosts back in front of the helicopter. "Watch your bludy going!" He yelled. "Sorry." I muttered. "Get your head out of your arse Havoc, wake up. This mission, you need to be your best." He said calmly, but sternly. "Yh alright Lt, I said I was sorry. I dont need a whole ass pep talk." I snapped, walking straight past him, and up the ramp, taking a seat right at the back on my own. Well, until someone came and sat next to me. The helicopter lifted of the ground. "Ignore him, he's a right miserable bastard in the mornings, but he'll warm up to ya." Soap chirped. "I doubt it. He's got a stick up his arse." I said, whilst looking at Ghost. "Ah he's alright, he's not that bad, once you get to know him... are you alright though you seemed pretty zoned out on the way from your room?" Soap asked sincerely looking down at me. "I'm fine Soap." I snapped. He cleared his throat and turned to face the other way. I sighed, feeling slightly guilty. "Soap.... Soap im sorry ok, I'm just tired ok." I said honestly. "Its ok, I forgive you. Lass lets get this done hey?" He smiled at me, he was like a Labrador. I nodded at him, and leant my head against the wall of the heli. Occasionally, glancing at all the soldier's we were with. Catching ghost's eye. I don't understand his problem.

Soon enough we landed in AL Mazrah, I could hear the gunfire, and it started to feel a little more real, ghost stood up, right bravo team we get off here, alpha you'll drop by building 3, remember guys we want Hassan alive, but this is capture or kill." He finished heading to the exit, Soap stood fist bumping one of the soldiers. Our team all stood approaching the exit, I stood up last. "Keep up soap... and you Havoc dont get left behind." Ghost yelled as he led us down the ramp. Crouching waiting for the helicopter to leave. I didn't answer him. Trying to stay focused. 

Pushing forward over the hill. It was then, I saw the flares from the heli, and then it being shot down. Hearing the cries of your fellow team mates, whether you knew them or not never got easier. "We're taking effective fire." I heard through the comms. "Alpha, we are pushing up on building 1 hold tight." Ghost radioed back I tried to ignore them pushing forward with ghost and soap. Soap insisted we helped them but we had to push on building one to redirect their fire and hopefully find this Hassan dickhead. we moved forward. "Force up to the house." Ghost commanded. Me and soap headed up the stairs with another soldier, shooting any of the AQ's. Sweeping the building there was no sign of this bastard. "Negative on Hassan, 2nd deck clear." I radioed. "Rog." Is all I heard in acknowledgment. I moved onto the balcony. When building sprayed my way, I ducked behind cover quickly. "Boys contact building 2." I yelled. "They know we're here." Ghost said. Soap quickly joined me taking out the enemies, using his sniper. "Your aim really is something Soap." I said trying to be friendly. "Thank you." He welcomed the compliment. "All bravo, move on building two." Ghost yelled out. Me and Soap jumping over the balcony, feet landing securely. When suddenly an explosion ran out. 

"Bravo! Alpha taking RPG fire." Alpha team were getting desperate. "We need to disarm that AQ now!" I yelled out. "We push up on building 2, Alpha we're on our way." Ghost replied. "With me, Havoc." Soap said. As we followed ghost. We made our way to the entrance of building 2, as soon as Soap walked through those door, some bastard popped out of a hatch, spraying bullets, I took my knife and threw it directly at his head. The knife embedding itself in his skull and he dropped. "Good throw." Soap complimented. "Thanks." I said walking over to him and retrieving my knife. "7-1 heading interior." Soap radioed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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