#1 New Beginnings

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Natalia Cowell's P.O.V.


The creaking of a door resounded through the deadly silent hall, causing me to whip around and glare at my partner.
He shrugged sheepishly, but by the way his eyes crinkled at the corners, I knew he was grinning underneath his ninja mask.
I rolled my eyes and silently padded forward again, my partner following almost as silently.
I smirked inside.
I was always better at stealth.
After all, I learnt from the best, the master of stealth.
She was my Dragon, a Night Fury to be exact, who was also waiting outside to fly us to safety.
A quick glance at my watch told me that it was almost 3:00 in the morning, the hour when criminals all around the world are at large; and, the hour that two teen ninjas are sneaking into a warehouse to retrieve a stolen item.
The two teen ninjas, me and my partner Kai.
We were paired together at the homebase eleven months ago when I arrived there.
Kai had been about 3 levels above me, but do to my lineage and connection to the original time traveler and ninja, I had quickly surpassed him, and now it was unclear who taught who.
Of course, it would be years before I was as good as sensei Karu, our teacher.
We were currently in the year 2015, a good year, but not what I was used to.
Everyone had guns, a strange concept to Kai and I since we grew up without any knowledge of these weapons, but when I started training with Kai, we were informed of every weapon known to man from every time period.
I also now knew how to speak Japanese, Russian, Korean, and was learning Latin.
I didn't speak Norse anymore, it reminded me too much of Berk.
I wondered how they were doing, the others on Berk I mean.
I felt absolutely terrible leaving like that, but I had made a promise to my Grandfather to train with the master, and to be honest, I wasn't sure they'd even care that I left.
Jerking to the present, the soft padding of feet alerted me that a guard was making his rounds.
Using the hallway walls as a crutch, I leapt upwards until I was hanging upside down.
I looked to make sure Kai had done the same.
He had.
When he passed, I swung down, then ran the rest of the way, scanning doors left and right until I saw what I was looking for. The big boss's office, filled with blueprints, files, weapons, and the thing we were looking for; nuclear missile launch codes to the American government's entire array of missiles.
I took the decoder from my pocket and stuck it on the door.
While it worked on the door, I glanced back at Kai, who was now fiddling with a handle.
Oh no.
"Kai NO!!" I shouted, all silence discarded as a ringing alarm blared through the building.
"Oops?" Kai laughed weakly at me.
I sighed inwardly as I tore the decoder off the door-it had finished-and raced inside.
Kai was a smart, good ninja, but sometimes he didn't use his brain.
Maybe it was because of his ADHD.
Unlike me, who had just a normal case, his was over the top, getting him in trouble more often than not.
I rummaged messily through his desk, then I scanned the room.
I ran over to the painting on the wall and tore it off, revealing the safe behind.
I phased my hand through the safe, then carefully withdrew the launch codes, careful not to set off any ink traps that might ruin them.
You might be wondering how I phased my hand.
It's simple.
I simply reverse time around my hand.
So in a way, I'm not even putting my hand through anything, because the room around my hand is back in time to before the object was built, therefore eliminating any problem.
In this way, I can phase through walls, walk in the sea without having to worry about breathing, and many other things.
Sensei Karu had taught me this.
One thing that I learnt by myself however, is the ability to make myself appear dead.
I stop time in my body, and all breathing, heartbeat, flowing blood, all that stuff, stops, and until I start time again, it would appear that I was completely dead.
I hadn't shown anyone this ability yet, and I didn't plan to.
A crash made me rush out the door after making sure my ninja mask was properly secured.
Kai was engaging with more that twenty hostiles.
He was doing quite well because he used his time ability to his advantage, as was evidence by the hostile's confusion as he continued to dodge bullets.
But even with that, I could tell he needed help.
Putting the codes in my pouch, I leapt into the fight, fighting back to back with Kai, who fought with renewed vigor.
Simaltaneously, we hit pressure points on the last guy's neck, instantly knocking him out.
I glared at Kai, still slightly irritated that he set off the alarm.
Ninjas were supposed to be silent, in, then out, without anyone any the wiser.
We weren't agents, forcing our way through with guns and knives.
I grabbed Kai's wrist as I took off in a run for the skylight we had entered.
Quickly scaling the rope, we coiled it, then raced across the roof, headed for the edge.
Slightly pulling down my mask, I sent out a piercing whistle that echoed through the chilling cold late winter night.
The whishing of wind told me that Morra and Solron, mine and Kai's dragons, were approaching fast.
Reaching the end, we jumped off the roof, landing lightly on the backs of our Dragons.
Kai's Dragon was a Skrill.
I know right? Totally fitting of his personality; hotheaded, fast, and deadly.
Morra rumbled with laughter as we tore through the night, gaining speed by the second.
"How'd Kai set off the alarm this time?" She asked.
Don't get us wrong, Kai wasn't always setting off the alarm, he just had so many thoughts in his head, he sometimes forgot to check for booby traps.
I laughed.
"Rustled the wrong door handle," I replied.
"Nice," Solron laughed sarcastically at Kai, who grumbled in Solron's saddle.
"It wasn't my fault I was wondering how many Terrible Terrors you could fit in a ship!" Kai complained.
Morra and Solron burst into a fit of laughter.
"Who wonders that?" Morra asked.
"Apparently Kai does," I managed through my laughter.
"So tell me Kai," Solron snickered. "do you ever think about how many ships you could fit into a Terrible Terror?"
"I never thought tha-" Kai started indignantly, then slumped slightly.
"That was one time."
We all burst out laughing again.
Finally, we stopped laughing...until a different mood settled on us.
Morra flapped her wings slightly faster, but Solron picked up on it.
"So it's a race now is it?" He asked Morra playfully.
"It's not a race if there's only one participant!" Morra called out before darting forward, her wings flapping at breakneck speeds.
Solron's eyes narrowed, now fully sucked into the competitive spirit.
He darted forward as well, causing Morra to dive in an attempt to pick up speed so she could stay ahead.
We were ahead momentarily.
My mask whipped off, revealing my now chestnut brown hair, permanently dyed.
I had done that in an attempt to blend in; platinum blonde hair was not normal.
Suddenly, Solron and Kai came streaking through the thunder clouds, Kai yelling in excitement and Solron roaring with glee.
"Morra!" I shouted over the wind.
"We have the advantage! We carry the map! Solron and Kai don't know where to go, so they have to follow us!! They don't dare go ahead in fear of losing the way to the Government drop off zone!"
The government drop off zone was a place where they would pick up the launch codes that we retrieved.
The CIA, NSA, MI6, FBI, and CSIS all knew about the time travelers.
We regularly worked together all through different times in history to get the bad guys.
They also knew about Dragons, and the other special people that were living in this world.
I won't talk about those people though.
They're for another time.
All those agencies had known about the ninjas and Dragons since they were created, so we could go into any time in history and they would know to trust us.
Morra roared, showing she had heard.
I stared at the map.
"Once we reach the next mountain range, we have to turn 40 degrees south!" I yelled.
Morra didn't reply, but I knew she had heard.
Together, we raced to the drop off zone, with Solron and Kai hot on our heels.

Rose's P.O.V.

It's been eleven months since we last saw Natalia.
A lot of stuff had happened in that time.
I had my own Dragon, the Flightmare.
It had been greatly feared at first, but the people of Berk had learned to except it.
But I was worried.
Not only because Natalia had run away, but also because while she was gone, we had a visitor.
Another time traveler, who told us that Natalia's father was suffering from TTAS, which was short for 'Time Traveling Anger Syndrome'.
The other time traveler explained that if not taught how to control it, the time traveler would eventually go mad with anger, which explained why Mr. Cowell had been so cold to Natalia most of her life.
He had been treated, and when he was healed, he had been distraught, having remembered all the years of how cold he had acted to his only daughter.
But what if Natalia started being affected by this Syndrome?
I hope wherever she was that she had help.
I had searched for her for months-we all had-but she had seemingly disappeared off the face of the planet.
What made it more depressing, other than the fact my best friend was gone, was that I had been planning a surprise birthday party for her with Minow, her having completely forgotten her birthday a few weeks back, do to her work, and the whole time travel fiasco.
But she left, the day before it was ready.
I wasn't sure, but when Minow and I planned it, I think Natalia had felt left out, like I was replacing her or something.
I wasn't too worried at the time, because we would've surprised her, and she would've understood.
But she left.
I was shaken from my thoughts as a hand landed on my shoulder.
I looked up to see Aunt Valka.
She looked tired, as she was practically running the village.
Hiccup was gone with Toothless most of the time, searching for his cousin.
He had been hesitant at first, leaving the village to only Valka, but she had insisted, so he searched.
"Time for dinner honey," she told me.
I nodded, my Dragon trailing after me as I walked back to the house with Aunt Valka.
I put a tired hand on my Dragon, who nuzzled me in return.
Where was she?

^^(Author's script, cuz Author's Note is too mainstream lol)
What up guys?!
I'm fantastic! Are you fantastic?!? Haha, who am I kidding, of course you are!!!
So this---Time Trek 2: The Return--- is my sequel to the first book. (Obviously lol)
Anyways......I hope you enjoy it!
I gotta go!!!
I am so hyped right now!!
LOL, see you later guys.
Oh yeah, the dude in the link is Kai, Natalia's friend and partner....hehe

Time Trek 2: The Return (A Httyd Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora