Cause It's You

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Gojo and Utahime having conversations about what would happen if they could swap their cursed techniques

Written for gojohime daily prompt, "Power Swap"


"Utahime, have you thought about what could it be if we have a power swap?"

"Huh?", Utahime frowns

"I mean, I have your Solo Forbidden Zone and you have my Limitless and Six Eyes. I would love to try your CT. I'm pretty good at dancing, you know? Wanna see?"

"No, no, no, keep it to yourself", she stops before Gojo gets up from the couch. She slumps into the back rest, thinking. "Never thought about it"

Her hum gets louder at times, making Gojo sprains his head towards her

"Why are you thinking so deep?"

"No, you just spark my neurons to wonder"

"Right? It sounds interesting when I think about it again", Gojo chuckles

"If I have Limitless.. and Six Eyes. I would be very powerful"

"You would"

"But it's kinda scary, though"

"Hmm?", Gojo tilts his head to the side

"To have that kind of power and strength. Like.. I could do anything I wanted. I would be respected, looked up to, feared of, unstoppable. It's quite scary now that I think about it"


The kettle turns off and pops a loud click sound

"I'm good with my CT now"

Utahime stands up and walks to the counter. She pours hot water over ground coffee beans inside a jar and adds some sugar. She stirs before pouring the coffee into their mugs

"This one is for you", she places the mug in front of Gojo. "This is so nice", she chuckles after taking a sip. Utahime realises Gojo has not touched his coffee yet. "Gojo, drink up. It's getting cold", and takes another sip

"Utahime... Do you think I'm scary?"

"What are you saying?", her brows furrow into a deep frown

"I always know what am I capable of doing given this power inside me. But it never crossed my mind that other people would view me as someone scary"

"Gojo, that's not what I meant", Utahime hesitantly puts the mug down on the table in front of her. "What I tried to say was that..", now it is hard to correct what she has spawn. Gojo might think she is twisting her words by now

"Honestly, the power given to you is quite scary. The balance of Jujutsu world shifted because of it. Someone else could simply destroy everything in a heart beat with that power. Even I don't know what I could turn out to be if I have Limitless and Six Eyes. I could be the villain", she shrugs

"But you, despite being so overpowered, you did not quiver and do any of those mean things even though you could. Instead, you choose to use that power for a greater good. I am so thankful because that power and that strength were born within a good person, with a good heart like you. I'm so glad cause it's you"

Gojo blinks under his blindfold, earnestly listening to Utahime word by word

"You are not scary, Gojo. I would not be right here in the same space as you, making you coffee, if you were that kind of person. I am not scared of you a tiny bit. I do feel intimidated, but I am not scared of you. In fact, I feel protected", she adds, smiling at him

"Hmm..", he cracks his jaw. "You're good at covering it up"

Utahime laughs, shaking her head. "Up to you want to believe me or not"

"Ugh~ so tired. Let me nap for a bit", he lies down, stretching all his length along the sofa. He only takes off his jacket and spreads it overtop himself

Utahime watches him, her palm under her chin as she chuckles. "Gojo, are you really sleeping?", she calls

"Even if one day your hands don't seize such power and strength anymore, I will still hold them tight like I always do. I will still stand by you, I might be the only one to stand by you and that's fine. I love you as a man first before anything else. Just so you know"

No answer from Gojo. Maybe he already dozes off

"Tsk! Such an easy-sleeper", she clicks her tongue

Utahime takes their mugs to the sink and washes them to clean then leaves them to dry on the rack

"Thank you.. Utahime", Gojo blurts out of nowhere. His voice is deep and impassive, but holds so much sincerity in it. "Anyone could try comforting me like that but it hits different cause it's you. It really means a lot to hear them from you"

Utahime smiles with fluttering heart. "I know you were listening"

She walks up to Gojo on the sofa and lies down with him. He moves to make space for her, yanking up his jacket and puts it on Utahime instead

Gojo leans in and plants a soft kiss on her forehead. "I love you"

She kisses him back on the cheek, a solace. "Love you more"

Utahime uses Gojo's arm as a pillow, her favourite position whenever they sleep together. They have 20 minutes to cuddle or nap before recess is over. Hopefully no one would walk up on them


Hmmm I love my works but I feel like I have been depending on daily prompts too much (no hard feelings the prompts are all interesting and fun to write about) but I need to start coming up with me original plot skskks 🙎🫵

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