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~•~ In 783 year ~•~

At Fairy Tail guild, there were many people making ruckus like fighting at each other. There a blonde hair girl who standing in front of the board quest job named Lucy Rao. She looked at all the S-class quests as she need to do mission. As she observed the quests, one of them had take her attention. She had read it before she accept it. She walked toward Mira who seem busy cleaning the glass. "Hey, Mira. I take this mission. Please sign it, Mira." Said Lucy as she put the mission on the table. Mirajane had take the paper and look at it before looking back at Lucy. Mira seem frown at Lucy for choosing the mission. "Lucy, are you sure to take this mission? Are you make your decision to take this mission?" Said Mirajane with a worry tone. Lucy seem unfazed with her worry tone as she look calm.

"Yep, I did. I'm sure with my decision, Mira. What's wrong with it?" Said Lucy indifferently. Mira sigh at Lucy's indifferent behavior. "There's nothing wrong with this mission, Lucy. I just want to make sure that you really want to make this mission. Beside, there no payment for you when you do this mission. And we don't know what the reward will give you, Lucy. Are you sure about this mission?" Said Mirajane make Lucy silent. Lucy sigh as she know that Mira worry of her when she take this mission. "You don't have to worry about that. I know what I can do, Mira. Beside, I'm not going alone. I will take someone with me and Himeko." Said Lucy make Mira look at her. Mira looks shocked as she know that Lucy will never bring anyone to go with her and Himeko doing the mission together. "Really? Then who the person you will take, Lucy?" Asked Mira in curiosity. Lucy had looking around until she saw a blue hair girl name Juvia Fullbuster.

"I had already decided it. I will asked Juvia to do mission with me and Himeko. I know that Juvia can do this mission with me and Himeko. I will asked her to come with me. And don't worry about that, Mira. I know what I do. I will be careful for this mission, Mira. Just trust me, okay." Said Lucy as she left the bar to approach Juvia who sighs at her older brother, Gray who busy fighting against his rival, Natsu. Juvia notice of Lucy make her smile at Lucy. "Hey, Lucy-san. What is it? Do you have any mission to do with Himeko?" Said Juvia softly. Lucy just smile softly before back to her calm expression. "Yes, I do have a mission. But it's not easy job anyway. I need you come with me and Himeko for this mission, Juvia." Said Lucy with a straight face make Juvia stunned at her.

Juvia actually can't believe that Lucy asked her to join a mission with her and Himeko. It will be her first experience doing mission together with Lucy. She felt happy since it was dream to do mission together with Lucy and Himeko. "Really, Lucy? You want me to do mission with you and Himeko? In that case, I will accept it. I will go with you and Himeko, Lucy. What the mission about if you don't mind me asking?" Said Juvia with a soft tone. Lucy had looking at Mira before walked away make Juvia quickly chase over her. "We will talk about it later. I will honest with you. This mission will be hard for us but we can do it if you agree with me, Juvia. I just need you to work together with me." Said Lucy calmly. Juvia was silent as she think about her word. Juvia then nodded her head agree with Lucy. Juvia know that Lucy won't take the people do mission with her easily. Lucy must know something make Juvia agree to help her.


Lucy, Juvia and Himeko were arrived at Rosemary Village. They were meet an old woman name Emily. Emily was the one can teleport them to another place called ninja world. Lucy can teleport herself with Himeko and Juvia but she need to talk something at Emily. Emily saw Lucy which she greet her. "Hello, Lucy. It's nice to see you again. What the mission you have now, Lucy?" Said Emily with a kind smile when she look at Lucy. Lucy as always look calm at Emily. Lucy then let out the paper and give it to Emily. "I want you explain this mission to me before I left. In this mission, it told that one person who come from the Uchiha clan can see the future before she died. Her name was Uchiha Mikoto. This paper said to stop her two sons from killing at each other. Can you explain about this, Emily?" Said Lucy calmly.

Emily had take the paper from Lucy as she look at it. Emily then use her eye magic to see what the past of the mission. Emily have a magic called travel eye past. Emily can see people's past and explain what happen if the mission include with it. After it takes ten minutes, Emily then look at Lucy before she explain to her. "It seem like a complicated but I will tell you. As in this mission said, this older son name Uchiha Itachi had been order by evil greedy old man name Danzo to kill his clan to prevent them do a coup from attacking Konoha. But Itachi was innocent boy because he kill his clan to protect Konoha and also his little brother name Uchiha Sasuke. It was hard to tell but I make a short. Itachi leave Sasuke alive in order to kill him and die by Sasuke's hand. Not only that, Itachi had hidden his illness because of his Sharingan. I guess that you already find out about it. So, will you do this mission, Lucy?" Said Emily as she finish explain to her.

Lucy just silent a little before she look at Emily. "Yes, I will do it. After listening this, I know what I can do for them, Emily." Said Lucy lowly as she gets up from her ready to leave. Juvia quickly follow her as she speak. "What will you do, Lucy?" Asked Juvia softly make Lucy look at Emily. Lucy had started to walk out from Emily's house make Juvia confused which Emily just calm. "What else we can do? We have to save Itachi and Sasuke. We need to prevent them from killing at each other. That's what we can do. And I can heal Itachi's illness too. Even so, I can do something for them. Just follow me and you will know later. Don't ask me anything, Juvia." Said Lucy before she left make Juvia chase her after thank Emily. Emily look at Lucy, Juvia and Himeko leave Emily's house. Emily smile as she know of Lucy's mind before she enter her house.

"I know what she can do. She's not only going to save Itachi and Sasuke, she was going to save everyone. I wish you a good luck, Lucy Rao." - Emily


Fairy x Naruto : Uchiha brother's love - (Itachi x Lucy/Sasuke x Juvia)Where stories live. Discover now