Part 1: Unidentified entity

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February 23,2036

Photos are AI generated}


As the sun rose over the sprawling cityscape, Raphel Fischer sat behind the wheel of his sleek, silver car, his daughter Chifale seated beside him. The gentle hum of the engine filled the air as they made their way through the bustling streets of Tokyo.

"Are you excited for school today, Chifale?" Raphel asked, glancing over at his daughter with a warm smile.

Chifale nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Yes, Dad! I can't wait to see my friends and show them the new invention I made for our science project."

Raphel's smile widened with pride. "That's my daughter. I'm sure your invention will be a hit."

As they navigated through the morning traffic, Raphel's thoughts drifted to the science convention he would be attending later that day. His latest invention, "The Destroyer," nestled securely in the trunk, waiting to be unveiled to the world.

"Are you going to the convention after dropping me off, Dad?" Chifale asked, breaking the silence.

Raphel nodded, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "Yes, I have a presentation to make. It's going to be a big day HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH"

Chifale's eyes sparkles. "I know you'll do great, Dad. Your inventions are always amazing."

With a sense of determination in his heart, Raphel pressed down on the accelerator, propelling them forward towards their respective destinations. As they journeyed through the bustling streets of Tokyo, father and daughter shared a moment of quiet camaraderie, united by their shared passion for science and innovation.

In a science convention where scientists and inventors compete with one another

Dr. Raphel Fischer, the esteemed Western scientist, dons a brown lab coat that envelops him like a shield of expertise. The coat's rich, warm hue complements his blonde hair.

As Raphel approached the entrance to the Japan Science Convention Center, anticipation coursing through his veins, he encountered an unexpected obstacle. The biometric scanner, usually a seamless gateway for registered attendees, lay in a state of disrepair, its screen cracked and its sensors non-responsive.

Frowning in confusion, Raphel glanced around for someone to assist him. Spotting a convention staff member nearby, he hurried over and explained the situation.

"I'm sorry, sir," the staff member said apologetically, examining the broken biometric scanner. "We're not sure what happened. It was working perfectly fine yesterday. We're working on fixing it, but it might take some time."

Raphel's heart sank at the news. Time was a luxury he couldn't afford. With his presentation looming, every second counted.

"Is there any other way to get inside?" he asked, desperation creeping into his voice.

The staff member shook their head regretfully. "I'm afraid not, sir. The biometric scanner is the only entrance for registered attendees."

As Raphel stood outside the malfunctioning biometric scanner, frustration mounting, a familiar figure caught his eye. It was Meg, his colleague and fellow scientist, patiently waiting just beyond the entrance.

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