Westimore's Ladies Prep School

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who has decided to give my story a go! I really appreciate it. Ya'll have convinced me to keep on writing so here's chapter 2! I hope ya'll enjoy and I also added a little sneak peak of what Eleanor will look like in her true punk form when she goes to Twilight. :)


Song: Ambition by Subway Sect (1996)

"Good morning, Mr. Owens."

"Mor'nin, kid."

He greets her through the driver's mirror, a kind smile stretched across his leathery face. The crows feet near his glassy umber eyes become taught as he flashes a mouthful of charming crooked yellow teeth. The silver cap on his front tooth smoothly reflects the morning light almost like a good omen. Maeve tosses him her own cheesy grin before sliding into the back seat. The typical spiciness of Lynx with a bit of stale whiskey rolls up nose as she pulls down her seatbelt.

On the other side of the car Fatima looks up from her phone, already strapped in and dawning the same Westimore Ladies' Prep School uniform. A knee length olive green pleated plaid skirt with a pressed blazer in the same color. The schools' green and gold crest is intricately embroidered over the lapel, although Fatima always seems to add a shiny pink enamel pin right next to it. Her cream colored shirt is thoroughly pressed and neatly tucked into her skirt, a shiny black leather belt keeping everything in place. Skipping her usual greeting Fatima takes a long yawn and brushes a hand over her eyes. She looks absolutely knackered, Maeve thinks before flinging her backpack from over her shoulder and onto the car floor.

"I wish school was over already." Fatima says groggily. She gently loosens the tan silk bow tightly wrapped around her neck. Her glossy blue fingernails pick at the knot until it becomes completely undone, the ribbon hanging loosely underneath her collar.

"We haven't even arrived yet." Maeve remarks, amusement on the tip of her tongue. She settles into the plush leather seat and quickly readjust her skirt. Why do they make these things so bloody short?  With a crisp click followed by the steady hum of the engine, Mr. Owens slowly pulls out of Maeve's driveway and turns onto the main street.

Fatima dramatically rolls her head back and lets out a heavy groan. Her wispy black bangs gently settle over her eyes and tickle her eyelashes. Maeve softly chuckles and raises a hand to readjust her pink bow, making sure the silky ribbon is still keeping her copper curls taught in a high ponytail, except for a few loose coiled strands she lets hang over her face. I wish school would be over already too, because the only thing I can think about is how I'm gonna lie my way to Twilight tonight. She softly bites her lower lip, ruminating over the idea quietly before Fatima loudly bangs her head against the car window.

"True, but yesterday at the banquet, Ms. Wright kept bothering me about the new book we're reading in class. She said she was excited to read my book report but I wish she'd just sod off." She rolls her eyes and blows out a puff of air. "It felt like I was sitting through another one of her long lectures about prose or Shakespeare or whatever she rattles on about."

Maeve thinks back to yesterday, mildly remembering Ms. Wright's frizzy blonde hair, bright red lipstick, and obnoxiously squeaky voice. She might have seen her have a brief conversation with Mrs. Ashbury, but after her bathroom disappearing act her mum was adamant on not letting her leave her side for the rest of the evening. Although she's never had the eclectic literature teacher, Fatima's strong dislike for the women has bubbled up in more than one of their conversations. With agitated fingers, Fatima gently strokes her long glossy braid before tossing it over her shoulder.

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