Natasha - Take a Break

283 7 4

Requested by charmile666 (sorry if this isn't what you wanted)

2 months. Holy shit.

I know you said for me to take my time but it probably wasn't supposed to be THIS long. Once again, thank you SO much for your patience. I've been struggling a bit with studying and motivation so I am soooo sorry! Author-chan will try her best to update ╰(*°▽°*)╯

(key word is try (⌐■_■))

I'll also try to make future chapters longer thanks to some past feedback (I also thought I was being a bit short (like my height irl)). I kinda ran out of ideas for this one but i'll try in FUTURE chapters.

Chookas, munchkins! - Auranny


The sound of a wet cloth being wrung was the only sound echoing throughout the small room known as Natasha's bedroom.

You released a heavy sigh as you took the now-cold cloth on Natasha's forehead and replaced it with the warm one. "Nat... remind me how this happened again?"

She responded with a light chuckle, though it turned into a heavy coughing fit as she turned her head to the side. You could only sigh again and pour another mug of honey and lemon tea.

You took it carefully by the handle, blowing on it a little bit so it would cool down. Natasha took the mug gratefully, downing the drink perhaps a bit too quickly. She ended up choking a little bit with you rubbing soothing circles on her back.

"Just a few patients-"

Your raised a sceptical brow, "A few?"

"Okay- maybe a little more than a few patients came around yesterday... and so I stayed up a little longer to take care of them." She smiled sheepishly.


She merely continued to smile sheepishly at your scowl, one that was short-lived once she started to cough yet again.

You could only sigh for the second time that evening, reaching out behind you to take the warm bowl of some miso soup and place it on your lap.

You thanked your past self for the decision to close the clinic today, no one wanted to see the doctor in this state. The Moles could handle themselves for one day... right?


"You shouldn't push yourself too much, y'know? It's not good for you or your patients." You blushed a bit as you muttered, "And it worries me, too..."

Her eyes widened at the last part. Whether she was meant to hear it or not, she didn't know but she was grateful either way. 

She pursed her lips once she had a good sniff of the soup, it smelt good. "Where did you get the miso soup from? I don't think Turner has those at his shop."

"Oh, I remember Ms Himeko telling me the recipe. March said that apparently her coffee is terrible so I shouldn't trust any of her recipes. She ended up teaching me how to make it herself." You smiled fondly at the thought of your Astral Express friends.

Natasha flushed at a thought, she at least hoped that you thought it was because of her fever.

"Nat? Is something wrong?"


You leaned forward from your seat by the side of the bed, placing the back of your palm against her forehead to check her temperature. "You don't seem to have changed that much, are you alright?"

But Natasha's mind drew blanks on the answer.

God, you were so close. You two had been dating for a while now but oh my aeons. She prayed that it was just the fever making her act this way since she'd usually be fine with any contact from you.

The smooth feeling of your hand against her forehead, the pure worry in your expression as you gazed into her ruby eyes was enough to send her into overdrive.

"Yeah..." Her eyes trailed to the bowl of miso soup on your lap. "I- um..."

You raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Can you feed me?"

Now that you weren't prepared for. All that could come out of your mouth was incoherent words and splutters as your brain tried to process her words.

"I-uh- sure?" What am I doing?

Both of you were flushed all the way to the tips of your ears but at least Natasha had an excuse to be red. 

You carefully took a spoonful of the soup, making sure to scoop up a few vegetables with it as well. She opened her mouth expectantly as you flicked your gaze up to her.

Might as well have fun while you're at it.

"Say "aaah!"" You teased, poking the rim of the spoon against her bottom lip.

She turned tomato red at this, wondering where this newfound confidence came from.

Nevertheless, she obliged. "Aaaah..."

You gently placed the spoon on her tongue, letting her slurp up the soup before removing it. A bit of it trickled down the side of her jaw so you quickly took a napkin and wiped it off.

The cycle of spoonfeeding continued until the bowl was empty, save for the few drops of soup lingering at the bottom. 

As her eyelids started to droop, you stood up from your chair and leaned over the side of her bed.

"You go get some sleep." You smiled sweetly at her, sweeping her blue-grey hair aside to place a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Natasha's eyes softened at you, allowing them to finally flicker closed.

Once you softly closed the door behind you, she stared opened her eyes and stared at where you once were.

"Thank you, Y/N."


"Life is short, and it is here to be lived." - Kate Winslet

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