OUAT abcs

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Again not my original idea. All rights go to EmmaSwanXOX.

A is for Apple that poisoned Snow White
B is for Book that the author did write

C is for Charming who will always find
D is for the Dark one who should've been left behind

E is for Enemies that try to destroy
F is for Fairies who bring lots of joy

G is for Granny's the best little diner
H is for Heroes both major and minor

I is for Ice that Queen Elsa does best
J is for Jealous like the wicked witch of the west

K is for Killian with dashing good looks
L is for Lacey who wasn't into books

M is for Magic always comes with a price
N is for Neverland that isn't all that nice

O is for Oz its a munchkin not an elf
P is for Pan that demon himself

Q is for Queens of darkness the powerful three
R is for Relatives and their messed up family tree

S is for Savior Emma is boss
T is for True love can be a win or loss

U is Ursula the queen of the pools
V is for Villains who are changing the rules

W is for Wonderland that got its own show
X is for Xavier the character no one knows

Y is for Youthful like my favorite bad guy
Z is for Zelena who just needs to die

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